Should Women Vote?

Sometimes there really are no words. As I do research for other things, publications in a newspaper move me, and I had to create a publication just to keep them separate to the rest of my work.

“Should Women Vote? Well, if they could, they’d vote for what is pure and good; And Ivory Soap, because it’s best, would Simply overwhelm the rest.”


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Because my references and resources are about 100 sources and very long, often times, this tanks my stats. I’ve opted to record them on a different page as to not ax my required reading time, here.

The opinions and thoughts expressed on this platform reflect only the author’s views alone.


  1. Reading Times, (Reading, Pennsylvania), 01 Jan 1900, Mon, Page 3
  • This article was not sponsored by Ivory Soap.



Ruining All My Branding

Cyber Security Professional, Historical True crime blogger, and kicker of @!