Hive Project Q2 Report: Countdown to the Platform Launch!

Jure Soklic
Published in
6 min readFeb 16, 2018

Here we are, at the end of the second quarter since the completion of our successful ICO, and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved. Since the publication of our last quarterly report in mid-November, our growing team continues to work wonders. We are doing everything in our power to ensure we are on track to revolutionise the way we transact with each other, penetrating the multi-trillion-dollar factoring market as soon as possible! And our development, business and marketing efforts have created a perfect storm, ready to disrupt the financial industry forever when we launch the Hive Project Platform by the end of Q2!

Our interactive DEMO is up and running, and we have some amazing stats and positive feedback from users to share. From a business development perspective too, we have made huge steps forward this quarter, bringing us even closer to millions of SMEs and investors. Our marketing and sales teams, with our incredible powerhouse community backing us all the way, continue to be our best ambassadors, and we are busy creating demand in our first go-to markets. We have no doubts that we are on the brink of huge global success in 2018!

BUSINESS (development) as usual — bringing millions to our platform!

When it comes to business development, our objective is simple — to scale up the platform globally as quickly as possible. And as our CFO Ugur Yildirim stated in his blog a couple of days ago, “speed to market is a key focus. That is why we have been exploring several partnerships around the world, not only with leading global ERP providers, but also business network organisations and other international financial players, all with great success!

Our multi-country ERP deal with Adacta (Gold Microsoft Dynamics partner), a leading regional ERP, was announced on 21 December and understandably grabbed significant media attention (Bankless Times: Hive Project Buzzing after ICO). This deal will ensure that Hive Project is integrated with businesses throughout the Central and Eastern Europe region and Russia — a USD 700 billion market ripe for the taking!

With momentum on our side, we then followed up by announcing our exciting partnership with InsurePal, a blockchain-based platform powered by the science of social proof, giving Hive Project even more accurate credit scoring. And if that wasn’t enough, not long afterwards we announced another exciting partnership, this time with FintruX Network, a blockchain based online ecosystem connecting borrowers, lenders, and rated service agencies. FintruX will refer clients who are looking for factoring services to Hive Project and give us another route to our target European and Russian markets.

Ugur Yildirim, Hive Project CFO in his lates blog

Our CFO, Ugur, the man responsible for the deals we have in place, continues to be busy. Only a week ago, he gave us an update on our meteoric progress by reporting on letters of intent covering the HUGE Turkish and Latin American markets, making us now the undisputed go-to blockchain choice to help millions of SMEs get the liquidity they need.

Tech development on track — count down to launch!

On 21 December, we also released the DEMO version of our platform, giving everyone the opportunity to use the platform as an SME, investor/factor or both. The DEMO runs on a private instance of the Ethereum blockchain and once again demonstrates the professionalism and competence of our development team. Under the leadership of Hive Project co-founder and CTO, Dejan Jovanovic, they continue to set the bar high, meeting and even beating every deadline they are set! The DEMO’s drastically improved performance and added functionalities are turning heads and we have received great feedback from users — not only from the HVN token holders in our amazing TELEGRAM community but also from the SMEs in our go-to markets.

With 256,418 impressions for our DEMO posts, over 800 SMEs & factors registered, and as many as 1,000 invoices now virtually bought and sold, our interactive DEMO has already received a rousing reception!

A growing team & global presence — WAY AHEAD OF THE PACK!

With our workloads ramping up substantially as our launch date draws near, we have been gradually adding to our back-office support staff and now have 15 team members, with a PhD staffer about to join to develop our Artificial Intelligence (AI) programme, which will further cement Hive Project’s role as a global leader & future fintech giant.

To underline our global presence, we are taking our expertise to the global stage. We understand how important it is to be seen and heard by SMEs and our community members, and it is vital that we keep raising awareness about how far we are ahead of the pack in the invoice finance blockchain revolution. And in order to continue consolidating our status as the true pioneers in our field, we will be making our names heard in conference halls and meeting rooms from Frankfurt to Istanbul. We will also continue raising awareness by speaking and networking in Hong Kong and Shanghai, and holding meetings arranged with our rapidly growing Asian community. However, since establishing a presence in our first go-to markets is our priority, we are ensuring that we have a constant presence there! And with numerous meetings with our team and ERP providers, national and international business network organisations (chambers of trade and commerce, etc.), investment funds and other future partners already in place, we will continue to push hard until the platform launch and beyond.


Despite the huge progress that has been made in the last 6 months, we are still in the early stages of development, and the months ahead are full of promise and excitement. Our next major exchange will be announced before the end of this quarter, and this will position us very well for the launch of the Hive Project Platform before the end of Q2! With our completed deals covering Latin America and Turkey to be announced by the time the platform launches, we are delighted to see so many respected names understanding our potential. And with some great news and announcements due to be made in the meantime, along with the efficiencies gained from our Adacta integration to come into play, we will be able to greatly increase our speed to market. As you can see, we have hit all our milestones so far and have no intention of letting up the pace now.

Our focus is unwavering. We will fulfil our promise to get the platform up and running by the end of Q2, with businesses around the world getting the funding they need! As pledged, HVN tokens will fuel our platform and their full utility will be exploited. That is our primary goal and we will not stop until we have achieved it.

Let’s continue spreading the word!



PS: And, if you haven’t already done so, you are more than welcome to join our TELEGRAM channel for all the latest news and updates from our team. Please come and say hello!



Jure Soklic

CEO Hiveterminal — A blockchain based invoice financing platform. Crypto & Equity Investor/Entrepreneur & Decentralized economy believer.