Hiveterminal’s Invoice Risk Score Explained

Dejan Radunić
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2019

One of Hiveterminal’s crucial benefits for invoice buyers is our Invoice Risk Score, which provides invoice buyers with a full picture of the financial health of the invoice they are funding. This is important to invoice buyers, as it reduces their risk when investing, providing them with a competitive advantage.

While an example of an invoice risk score was presented in one of our community Q&A blog posts, we have decided to explain the full scale of values inside our system, so that you are able to make your own educated decisions.

Components of the Invoice Risk Score

While we cannot provide an exact calculation method due to the patent-pending status of our invoice risk calculation model, we can explain its parts. Keep in mind that certain aspects have different levels of significance and that the payment due date is also a part of the equation.

Failure score
A failure score is on a 0 to 100 scale, with 0 being the worst and 100 being the best. In layman’s terms, it explains the probability of company insolvency.

  • 100–99: Company has the lowest probability of failure.
  • 98–92: Company has a very low probability of failure.
  • 91–81: Company has a low probability of failure.
  • 80–61: Company has a decreased probability of failure.
  • 60–39: Company has a middle probability of failure.
  • 38–22: Company has an increased probability of failure.
  • 21–8: Company has a heightened probability of failure.
  • 7–3: Company has a high probability of failure.
  • 2–1: Company has the highest probability of failure.
  • NO_DATA: No publicly available data available. *

Financial Appraisal
The financial appraisal is on an A to E scale, with A being excellent and E being bad. It also features subclasses which predict future trends in whether the expected financial results will go up or down.

  • Grade A: Current financial results are excellent.
  • Grade B: Current financial results are good.
  • Grade C: Current financial results are average.
  • Grade D: Current financial results are below average.
  • Grade E: Current financial results are bad.
  • NO_DATA: No publicly available data available. *

Dynamic Rating
The dynamic rating is on a scale from double negative (- -) to double positive (++). It explains how likely it is for the seller or debtor to face a bank account blockage in the future.

  • (+ +): Very low probability of bank account blockage in the future.
  • (+): Lower probability of bank account blockage in the future.
  • (-): Higher probability of bank account blockage in the future.
  • (- -): Very high probability of bank account blockage in the future.

We have no doubt that our patent-pending, real-time invoice rating score will help our marketplace grow and will gradually build a fully transparent culture of trust between actors involved in buying and selling invoice receivables. Eventually, this will also help Hiveterminal implement a system that will immediately block any bad participant from selling their receivables/payables on our marketplace.

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  • Register on Hiveterminal ( as either an invoice buyer or seller and pass the user verification process.
  • Using the same email used for Hiveterminal registration, you will then need to send your Telegram username to our email:

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