DICE MONEY tokens to be accepted as collateral for crypto-backed loans

Hodl Finance
HODL Finance
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2018


HODL Finance and DICE MONEY — the first true social funding cryptocurrency platform — has reached a partnership agreement.

DICE MONEY token (DICET) will be another partner token to be accepted as collateral for crypto-backed loans from HODL Finance.

“More and more participants of the new digital economy can now enjoy the benefits of crypto-backed loans. DICET token holders will be able to get a crypto-backed loan when providing their token as collateral. We’re opening the doors for every DICET token holder to get a quick, untaxed, safe crypto-backed loan 24/7 from HODL Finance”, Vytautas Zabulis, MD at HODL Finance celebrates.

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“Our team is committed to providing the best opportunities and value to our token holders. Accepting DICET token as collateral to get a crypto-backed loan is another proof of that commitment. We’re happy that HODL Finance is helping us to achieve this”, Konstantin Dimitrov, Co-Founder & CVO at DICE MONEY says.

The new partnership will provide greater opportunities for both DICET token holders as well as the management team of DICE MONEY. Once the partnership goes in the effect, every DICET holder benefits from this partnership because it means greater liquidity of the token. He or She can avoid exchanges or loss of a prospective increase in their crypto-assets.

HODL Finance endeavors to start accepting DICET as soon as fall of 2018.


DICE is a social platform for fundraising via targeted crypto mining, designed to help facilitate mass adoption as a viable alternative to traditional money. Advantages of the Dice money model will include: Stability and predictability, Offline and Online transactions with no transaction fees, No special wallets required and it does not rely on exchanges.

Read more about DICE MONEY

About HODL Finance

HODL Finance is the leading financial company for the age of the new digital economy. Established by the team of European P2P lending platform SAVY, HODL Finance issues loans while accepting cryptocurrencies, partner tokens, and other digital assets as collateral.



Hodl Finance
HODL Finance

HODL Finance is the European digital lending company. HODL Finance issues loans backed by cryptocurrency and other digital assets. Founded by the shareholders o