3 Weeks On Medium And I’m Getting Incredible Results

My results (and earnings) speak for themselves.

Aurora {AuraEcho}
Holication Holistic Publication


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
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Let’s share a moment, hear my story unfold,
Tap fifty claps, let our connection hold.
Mark three to six highlights, your thoughts express,
Follow, subscribe, in this unity we bless.

If my words don’t touch you, skip the applause,
It’s our true connection that gives our cause pause.
In every comment, every follow, we find,
The spirit of togetherness, leaving none behind.

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If you do that, I will gladly return the favour!

I’m Aurora and this is my almost third week (19 days) of being consistent, posting every day on Medium.

But it wasn’t always that way…

Three weeks ago, my fiancé Jaka Juvan and I decided to do a 1-month Medium growth challenge, where we would post and engage every single day.

He reached a milestone of 70-day consistency on Medium at that time, and since he has been around for some time, he could give me useful advice.

I must admit that I wasn’t consistent before at all.

February 2024

My initial posting frequency was irregular.

In February, I made a total of 6 inconsistent posts.

My first post was on February 18, 2024.

My second post followed six days later on February 24, 2024.

I then suprisingly managed to make a series of posts on consecutive days from February 25, 2024, through February 28, 2024, demonstrating a brief period of daily posts – YAY!

Analysis: A conclusion for February would be that I started with a less frequent schedule and quickly moved to daily posts for four consecutive days.

March 2024

After February, there was a brief pause.

In March, I made a total of 4 inconsistent posts.

I posted on March 11th and March 12th, which suggests a short resumption of daily posts. ;)

However, another gap, a brief pause of 13 days occured until March 25th, indicating inconsistency.

Analysis: As you can see, March shows a scattered posting pattern with significant breaks between posts.

April 2024

In April, I made a total of *drumroll* – 2 posts!

Posts on April 19th and April 29th, seperated by a 10-day gap.

Analysis: The frequency in April remains inconsistent with substantial gaps.

May 2024 – Transition To Consistency

From May 3rd onwards, I began posting everyday, marking a significant change in my consistency and commitment to daily posting.

This is also the month that I decided to become a Friend of Medium.

Summary: Before becoming consistent on May 3rd, my posting frequency varied considerably, ranging from daily posts for a brief period to having gaps as long as 13 days between posts.

This variability gradually reduced as I moved towards daily posts starting in May.

3 Most Important Lessons Learned From Medium

  1. Engagement Is King:

I must admit that I underestimated the power of engagement for quite some time.

It’s the engagement that brings you those astonishing results.

Without engagement, the results are quite vague.

I stand for genuine engagement!

2. Clap&Run: A big shoutout to M Aslam Waheed for his article “Who Can Read 6 Stories in One Minute?”

I was truly impacted by his article, and I value the way he raises awareness about the topic and provides guidance on how to handle encounters with “Clappers & Runners”.

I noticed that most of the “applause” on my initial posts was of that nature.

Watch out because they decrease your earnings!

3. Algorithm & Earnings: The third most important lesson I learned was that earnings can fluctuate.

Consistency is crucial, as the algorithm favors regular activity.

The more consecutively you post, the more the algorithm identifies you as a reliable source of traffic and earnings.

If you become inconsistent, you’ll need to regain the algorithm’s trust and accept lower earnings in the meantime.

Before I reveal my earnings, I want to also give a quick shoutout to Jack Writes for his article “When I See People Post Their Stats on Medium, Mine Are Nowhere Close”.

His article came at exactly the right time!

At the time of reading his article, I was very self-conscious, especially due to seeing so many people posting their ginormous earnings (which they totally deserve).

But it can really be tough for a beginner to see that.

So, Jack’s article helped me feel less alone.

My Earnings: February 2024 – May 2024

Screenshot made by the Author “My February earnings”

Screenshot made by the Author “My March earnings”

Screenshot made by the Author “My April earnings”

Screenshot made by the Author “My May earnings (so far)”

A big thank you to my fiancé Jaka Juvan and to all my followers and loyal readers!

Please share in the comments:

What has been your biggest challenge in maintaining consistency on Medium, and how have you addressed it?

How do you measure success on Medium, and what impact has engagement had on your results?

Aurora’s Writing Tips

14 stories

