About Me: Shining The Light On Anxiety, Depression, and C-PTSD and Healing From It

Healing anxiety, depression, and C-PTSD transformed my life.

Aurora {AuraEcho}
Holication Holistic Publication


Side-by-side comparison photos of Aurora, “From Depression (2020) to self-acceptance (2024)” made with Canva by the Author

This is a continuation of my mental health healing journey. If you haven’t, you can read Part 1 here.

However, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of my loving boyfriend, now fiancé Jaka Juvan.

His unwavering support and belief in me showed that life was worth living.

Initially, I lived for him.

I couldn’t bear the thought of never being able to see him again!

Even when we were just friends and when he was my crush, what kept me going was the thought,

“What if we end up together?”

What if!?

I knew somewhere deep inside me that eventually, we would end up together, and that inner knowing, that “what if” kept me going.

I was so curious to know what would happen between us.

I knew my story wasn’t over yet and that I would get my happy ever after, both with Jaka and eventually even my mental health.

Gradually, I began to understand my intrinsic value and worth.

I learned that life had a purpose beyond my struggles, and I made a commitment to myself to heal and grow.

I craved getting better!

“Mindset” by Carol Dweck

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Narcissistic abuse left a deep imprint on my mind, making me feel worthless, isolated, and scared.

It really messes with how you see yourself and can make it super tough to trust anyone, including yourself.

Especially, since you are labeled as insane by the narcissist who abuses you.

We, survivors, can often find ourselves trapped in a fixed mindset, believing that our damaged self-worth is a permanent flaw.

The first step in transitioning to a growth mindset was reading

Dr. Carol S Dweck’s book “Mindset”, and after that accepting that healing is a process, and imperfections are part of the journey.

It’s important to recognize that recovery from emotional trauma is non-linear and each step, no matter how small, is progress.

A core principle of a growth mindset, which was one of the most important steps on my healing journey, and that still helps me to this day, was seeing challenges as opportunities to grow rather than insurmountable obstacles.

I started viewing my journey as a chance to rediscover and rebuild my sense of self-worth and identity.

Moving away from a need for perfection and celebrating small wins is also crucial.

Survivors should acknowledge their strength in facing their past and making efforts to change.

All this, while enjoying the process, rather than focusing solely on outcomes.

A growth mindset helped me frame anxiety from being a threat to a manageable aspect of my growth journey.

Instead of viewing it as a setback, I started seeing it as an opportunity to practice coping skills.

Seeing my anxiety and all my struggles as separate entities from me, was a true game-changer.

You are not your anxiety!

You are not your mental illness!

Notice how when you say “I’m anxious” you sometimes unknowingly and unintentionally identify with anxiety?

I’m inviting you to transform your life. Do anxiety, overthinking, and negative thoughts ruin your everyday joy?

You’re not alone!

I, Aurora, developed a Udemy course filled with all the strategies that helped me and my clients overcome anxiety using scientifically proven methods.

Enroll now here to start your journey towards a calmer, more positive life!

When it comes to depression, a growth mindset encouraged me to view these feelings as signals rather than permanent states.

They signal where you need more support, more self-compassion, or perhaps a different approach to healing.

I love the fact that I took advantage of the isolation that came with depression and turned it into my advantage by leveraging it to take time for myself and pursue personal growth.

My C-PTSD made the world seem like a perpetually dangerous place.

With a growth mindset, I began to experiment with small steps out of my comfort zone, gradually reconstructing a safer perception of the world around me.

What helped me the most might surprise you!


In December 2020, Mindvalley, a transformative platform became my lifeline. It empowered me to take control of my healing journey and embark on a path of personal growth and spirituality.

Mindvalley helped me upgrade my mindset even further.

One of the first and most transformative experiences I had was participating in an exercise where I evaluated how I could contribute to the world.

I decided to become a Mindvalley Certified Life Coach, specializing in mental health.

Both this decision and participating in the exercise were a huge factor in overcoming my mental health struggles, as they gave me purpose and a sense of belonging.

Mindvalley helped me become a lifelong learner and a student of life.

I absolutely adored all the mindset shifts, habit shifts, and identity shifts that I got to experience.

One of my favorite takeaways from Mindvalley was discovering spirituality.

I previously only knew the religious part of it.

Luckily, Mindvalley helped me realize that there is so much more to spirituality than just religion.

And that being spiritual isn’t necessarily the same as being religious.

I was an atheist at the time, so that was very comforting for me.

When I delved deeper into spirituality and eventually even religion,

I began to find comfort in knowing that there is a higher power.

If I had to choose, I would now identify as an omnist.

It means that I believe that each of the religions represents a part of the absolute truth.

One of my favorite skills that I developed was sharpening my intuition and leveraging it as medical intuition.

When it comes to anxiety, one of the biggest shifts happened when I established the habit of daily meditation and mindfulness practices.

Journaling and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)Tapping helped me express myself easily and effortlessly and prevent the overwhelming thoughts from consuming me and taking over my life.

What also helped me was getting to know energy medicine, especially chakra healing.

Through medical intuition, I managed to identify which chakra was blocked, lacked energy flow, and why, so I could take the necessary intervention.

I was aware that my root chakra that carried all the trauma was severely clogged and needed serious cleansing, which is exactly what I did not just once but multiple times.

But the scariest part is that if one chakra is out of sync, it affects all of the other ones too.

A wonderful practice that is a true lifesaver was also cord cutting, which I discovered later into the journey.

A life-changing trick that helped me overcome C-PTSD, was completing a lucid dreaming course on Mindvalley.

More specifically, keeping a dream journal and analyzing my dreams and deciphering their symbols.

I had C-PTSD nightmares every night and analyzing them,

and understanding the message they were trying to convey,

truly helped me heal.

All of a sudden, they stopped and never came back.

When it comes to trauma healing in general, what had a huge impact, was hypnotherapy.

More specifically, hypnotherapy for inner child healing by Marisa Peer.

It helped me reparent myself the right way.

Medical Disclaimer:

This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

As a Certified Life Coach specializing in mental health, my expertise is in providing support and guidance based on personal experiences and general wellness practices.

If you are experiencing mental health issues, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

