Copying Millionaires’ Routines Is The Best Way To Stay Broke

Acknowledge where you are and build from there.

Aurora {AuraEcho}
Holication Holistic Publication


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash


We are all chasing it, right?


how often do we pause to question the path we’re on?

Especially in today’s digital age, where social media is flooded with advice from multimillionaires and billionaires on how to replicate their success.

As someone who has navigated these waters,

I’m here to tell you that copying what successful people do isn’t always beneficial.

Especially not for beginners!

There are also some big downsides that people don’t talk about enough :/


Let’s address them!

1. Skipping Steps

Photo by Ciudad Maderas on Unsplash

What we often forget is that millionaires didn’t start at the top.

They built their wealth step by step.

If you try to jump straight to their level, you’re likely to miss out on crucial learning experiences.

2. Lack Of Resources

Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

These guys (or insert any other gender) have:

  • money,
  • connections,
  • and experience.

You might not have that yet…

But trying to use their strategies without the same resources can leave you stuck!

Now, who would want that, right?

3. The Perfection Trap

Photo by Luca Nicoletti on Unsplash

Seeing their polished routines can make you think you need to be perfect from the get-go.

But aiming for perfection can actually hold you back.

So it’s better to stay messy and improve as you go.

4. Different Contexts

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

What works for them might not work for you because everyone’s situation is different.

Copying them without understanding the context can lead to wasted effort.

5. Burnout

Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Trying to match their intense schedules and routines can burn you out fast.

It’s important to recognize where you are and build up gradually.

The Right Approach

Photo by Nimi Diffa on Unsplash

Success is a journey, not a sprint.

And as I already mentioned in one of my previous articles:

You won’t necessarily earn your first $1K online the same way you’ll earn your first $10K. Maybe even not necessarily the same way your first $100K.”

Here’s what you should do instead:

  • Start Small

Focus on small, achievable goals first.

Maybe earn your first $100 before aiming for $1,000.

Each small win builds your confidence and skills.

  • Adapt and Learn

Sure, study successful people, but tweak their strategies to fit your situation.

What works for them might need some adjustments to work for you.

And no, it doesn’t mean that you are incompetent or anything similar, just that you are at a different stage of your life and your business.

  • Avoid Perfection

Don’t stuck trying to get perfect.

Take action, even if it’s not perfect.

You’ll learn and improve along the way.

If you don’t start now or never gather the courage to start, your work will be published posthumously (when you d!e).

~ Jaka Juvan

  • In Your Stage

Understand where you are in your journey.

It’s okay to start small and build up.

You don’t need to be a CEO right out of the gate.


In the end, you’ve got to carve your own path.

Learn from the best, but don’t just copy them blindly.

Your journey is unique, so embrace it.

Start where you are, take it step by step, and remember that success is about the journey itself, not just the destination.

Keep pushing forward, and don’t be afraid to make your own way.

If it resonates with you, I’m all ears for your thoughts.

Sharing your thoughts and engaging with this article would mean the world to me!

