My Medium Report: Did My Medium Growth Challenge Help Me Reach $100?

I gave my best…Did I make it?

Aurora {AuraEcho}
Holication Holistic Publication


Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

First of all, thank you so much for 290 followers and 24 email subscribers!

I would like to thank all my Medium supporters who engage with me from the bottom of my heart!

This post serves as an accountability update for my 1-month Medium growth challenge, and maybe friendly advice for beginners on Medium, coming from someone who is still relatively a beginner.

There are stepping stones when it comes to making money online.

Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

I think there is already a lot of advice when it comes to the

  • expert to beginner advice dynamic

but not so much

  • beginner to beginner”.

I noticed that there are so many instances, not just on Medium but on social media in general,

where complete beginners, starting from 0 with $0, look for advice in all the wrong places.

They watch YouTube videos and read advice on how to earn $10K per month, when they haven’t even earned the first $1000…

Maybe not even their first $100!

Don’t worry, I’m not judging at all because I was one of you, even until recently!

Until I realized that there are steps, stepping stones, and that this is a process.

This was one of the most empowering realizations so far and the highlight of May on Medium.

You won’t necessarily earn your first $1K online the same way as your first $100K

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

I love how Iman Gadzhi puts it.

He emphasizes that you won’t necessarily earn your first $1K the same way, doing the same thing as your first $100K.

I really think and suggest that there should be more awareness around this topic.

So when it comes to complete beginners trying to build their online business, I suggest that they think more about how they can earn their first $1000, and when they achieve that milestone, only then do they start thinking about how they could earn their first $10K.

This is an opinion that I wouldn’t have agreed with before starting on Medium, and it even seemed absolutely crazy and “not ambitious enough for me.

But this is a very important realization for me that isn’t coming from “lack of ambition” and isn’t a “motivation killer” anymore like it used to be.

Now, I see that it actually makes a lot of sense.

I now see that I don’t necessarily have to earn my first $1000 the same way as my first $10, 000, and that these two endeavors need a different mindset and approach; you have to take different things into account.

It might seem logical to you, but this is a very rare occurrence in our country, Slovenia.

Here, you are pressured into choosing your career path and occupation that you will do for the rest of your life at 15.

It’s very rare that you actually even consider or dare to change your occupation later.

So most of the people here basically end up working a dead-end 9–5 job that they don’t like until they retire.

Don’t Put All Your Eggs Into One Basket

Photo by Elena Leya on Unsplash

Another major lesson that Medium taught me, especially during this month of troubled algorithm and fluctuating earnings, is that you shouldn’t put all your eggs into one basket.

What does that mean?

I realized that I might make my first $1K on Medium but I can’t rely on Medium for more.

I always had that kind of mindset and never wanted to invest all my hopes into one thing.

During this challenge, Jaka Juvan, who is adept at prioritizing and focusing on one thing at a time, offered me his perspective, which provided the other side of the same coin and helped me realize how to balance having something as your priority while still not relying solely on it.

This insight also taught me that if, hypothetically, that priority was to falter, I’d be back at square one.

As you might remember from my “3-week consistency update”, my fiancé Jaka Juvan and I decided to do a 1-month Medium growth challenge, where we would post and engage every single day.

To refresh your memory, my earnings until that day (May 22nd, 2024) were a total of [check here].

In April, I had 44 followers but my follower count jumped to 272 in May.

My email subscribers went from 3 to 24.

My best-performing Medium stories in May are the following:

What can you expect in June?

In June, I plan to focus my career in the direction of copywriting.

I will continue writing tips for learning English on Medium, while skyrocketing my engagement efforts even further.

My next challenge in June is to maximize my engagement and try to read 50+ stories per day.

Regarding not putting all eggs into one basket, I plan to add X (Twitter) and eventually even a newsletter.


To wrap it up, here’s a screenshot of my Medium earnings until May 31st, 2024.

“Screenshot of my May earnings” made by the Author

It shows that I went from $31,60, which was the amount that I earned until May 22nd when I wrote “3 Weeks On Medium” article, and managed to earn $92,30 in total so far, which signifies significant growth and progress.

It might not be $100 but I’m extremely grateful.

I’m aware that I would still have $0 without Medium, so again, a huge thank you to my fellow Mediumites! <3

If it resonated with you, I’m all ears for your thoughts.

Sharing your thoughts and engaging with this article would mean the world to me!

Share in the comments:

What’s your experience with Medium?

Can you relate to any of this?

