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Explorers of Holistic Value Creation and the Future of Business
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Our Business Index — named top 10 social innovation to watch

Sweden’s biggest conference on social innovation, The Social Innovation Summit 2016, took place in Malmö a few weeks ago, bringing together a vast crowd of professionals to discuss social innovation in Scandinavia. We were…

Sneak peak: Insights from the Inter Business Index 2018

We have just published the Inter Business Index 2017, listing the 50 largest corporations in Sweden based on the skills that indicate ability to create holistic value into the future. But the analysis of the 2018 Index is already

Flip the Script

Enough with the Heroes — Enough with the Corporate Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card

The Paradise Papers, and the excellent reporting that can be found in its wake, again illuminate our need to update the way we view leadership and…