Anderson Tan: Connecting People, Building Ecosystems, Serving Others, and Impacting Billions

Community Matters 08

Holochain Design


Each edition of Community Matters features a contributor, supporter, catalyst, and influencer who is helping to develop the ecosystem in amazing ways.

We are honored to highlight the exceptional and talented community contributors who are helping us build a more distributed web. In this edition, we are spotlighting Anderson Tan.

We’re thrilled to announce the new Holochain Forum launching on Thursday, August 15th!

The Holochain Forum is a new home for developers to learn, discuss, and collaborate about all things Holochain.

Table of Contents

Featuring You
Well Said
Let’s Connect
Bits of Gossip
In the News
Since You’ve Asked
Meet the Holo Team
Dig Deeper
Building Together

Anderson Tan

About Anderson

Anderson Tan is the Managing General Partner of Alpha Omega Capital and Partner of Launchgarage, an incubator/accelerator. Launchgarage is the biggest innovation hub in the Philippines with over 30 startups in its portfolio. He is also the co-owner of Proudcloud, a local devshop specializing in blockchain, AI, and IOT projects.

Anderson exited ten companies — two of his own were acquired, the others via angel investments. After his companies were acquired, he went into real estate and sold buildings before becoming an angel investor. As an angel investor, he currently has over 10 unicorns in his personal portfolio and has invested in ±100 startups and 50 token sales internationally.

He advised during the token sale of Holochain and is currently advising Devvio. He has been trading in foreign stock markets for over a decade and cryptocurrency for over a year. Anderson is a seasoned angel investor, serial entrepreneur, board member, mentor, and advisor to startups internationally. Anderson is also an admin of the local FB group ‘Cryptocurrency Philippines’ with over 16,000 current members. The mission of the group is to educate local citizens on distributed ledger technologies, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies.

He is also an ex “pro” Poker, Tekken, Counterstrike, and Diablo video game player. :)

Why did you choose to get involved in the community work of Holo, as opposed to other projects?

I fell in love with the timing, team, technology, and community that are building a more distributed world for all mankind.

What accomplishments, highlights, or goals would you like to share regarding growing and expanding the community?


  • Advised during token sale
  • First Philippine Meetup early this year
  • Procured 20 HoloPorts and adding 80 more to support the network
  • Encouraged several projects to build on Holochain through Singularity University, International Space University, and Draper University alumni network
  • Created the official Holochain FB group — now with 650 organic members
  • Talked about Holochain in this written interview


  • Share Holochain with personal global network of startups, angel investors, VCs, funds, institutions, enterprise, business owners, friends, family, fools, etc.
  • Talk briefly about Holochain in events as a speaker, panelist, or judge
  • Every accredited investor gets a chance to view the deck of our exclusive, tokenized VC Fund and see and hear about Holochain, which is one of the projects under our portfolio.
  • Co-founder of a project that will build a distributed Twitch 3.0 on Holochain
  • Connect founders who want to explore building on Holochain with David Atkinson
  • Share my network with any project building on Holochain


  • Second Philippine Meetup in July or August
  • First Philippine Hackathon in September or October
  • Establish first Meetup in Southeast Asian countries
  • Establish first UAE Meetup

Check out the full interview.

P2P Foundation Report: P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival

Musings from Melbourne’s 4th Holochain Meetup: Winter Rain in Melbourne

Community Request: In your own words, how would you describe Holochain and Holo? Fill out this survey.


9/10–9/17: The 5th DevCamp, our online Holochain Developer Community Training, is scheduled for September 10–17 and themed “Building a Simple Game on Holochain.” This training is being built out and facilitated by a great group of volunteer Holochain Meetup organizers, which makes it the first online training run for the community, by the community!

The course is free after an accepted application. We’re only sharing this training in our local Meetups, online chats, and Community Matters in order to acknowledge and appreciate you, the people at the heart of our ecosystem. Apply for the free September DevCamp.

Upcoming Events:

[Online] 8/22: The Orion AMA on the new Holochain Forum is scheduled for Thursday, 8/22! Stay tuned for more details.

[Portland] 8/19: Join Eric Bear at New Tech PDX’s bustling monthly meetup to learn about Holochain and the upcoming weekend’s workshop!

[Portland] 8/22–8/23: Connect with members of Holo’s team at the Portland Rust Conference to talk about Holochain.

[Portland] 8/25: Immediately following Rust Conference, Devs from Holo’s team will hold a workshop to explore Holochain concepts and discuss technical inquiries. Find info and registration here.

Rebooting the Web-of-Trust in Prague!

[Prague] 9/6–9/8: Immediately following Rebooting the Web-of-Trust, join us at a hackathon focused on self-sovereign and decentralized identity — Arthur Brock, Matthew Schutte, and Eric Bear will all be in attendance. Find more details and get your ticket here.

[Barcelona] 9/12: Join the Holochain Barcelona Meetup Community as well as Eric Bear and Carolyn from the Holo team at a surprise party and special announcement! Check it out here.

Recent Events:

Melbourne Holochain Meetup #4 July 2019

Holochain Meetup Bratslavia

Holochain Meetup Sydney

We held a pretty awesome Meetup in Sydney last week! Here is the recording:

Part 1 Holochain Concepts:

Part 2 Willem’s Checkers Demo:

Find your local Meetup group @
Tag your Meetup page with “Holochain” if your group is not listed.

For upcoming events check our meetup calendar.

Get involved! Connect with your local community on Mattermost — our open-source chat platform — or become an Organizer of Community . Reach out to us at We’ll help you with your DevDinner, Meetup, Presentation, or Workshop!

What We’ve Heard: Comments and Thoughts from our Channels

Join the conversation and engage in the community on all our Channels! (Mattermost, Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube)

RedGrid : Capital Raise

‘Post blockchain’ tech used in local mini-grids

Check out our Weekly Roundup 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21

We’d like you to share media articles or mentions that you think are newsworthy enough to be highlighted on our channels (Reddit & Telegram).

Join us at the next AMA, No. 30. This AMA will be with Co-founder Eric Harris-Braun, David Atkinson, and Matthew Schutte on Thursday, September 12th at 6PM UTC (2PM EST) on Youtube.

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch previous AMAs.

Our first live-translation AMA for our Russian speaking community is scheduled for Monday, September 9th at 17:00 (GMT+3). Thank you to Klim, our community member, for volunteering to translate as Arthur Brock and David Atkinson answer questions from our Russian-speaking community. More details to come!

Start a new topic in our Community Feedback Forums.

Experience who we are and what we’re working on up close!

Celestial’s Holo(chain) Journey: Part 2 of 2

Our community is so big and broad in their interests and what attracted them to this project. So, I’m just looking forward to more cross-pollination — not just developers talking about Holochain and developing on Holochain or hosts interested in Holo — but all the other things that are also really interesting.

There is help for you on your learning journey — check out these HOT Topic FAQs and Resources to dig deeper!

HoloPort Bitesize Video bits:

Message from Amanda and Micah:

It’s been an honor and pleasure to work so closely with the community. We’ve been happy to listen and make sure your voices were heard, and to help hold this space to provide a platform for our collective work to become more visible.

We appreciate you all taking interest and providing your input to this series; we look forward to seeing how our flourishing community grows.

We have also enjoyed curating and crafting the content and interviews to regularly deliver the publication.

This isn’t a goodbye, just a transition. You will see us around; we are still here supporting the ecosystem in different ways.

Message from Carolyn and Eric Bear:

Hello Community! Bear and I (Carolyn) are excited to carry on this publication in the spirit of celebrating, supporting, and growing our beautiful ecosystem. Thank you to Micah and Amanda for all the hard work and dedication poured into envisioning and building this community publication.

We believe that the key to our success is in building our community — the moments that matter most are in the connections within and between our communities.

Thank you for showing up and sharing your unique talents with all of us. You work so hard to bring awareness and engagement to the Holo and Holochain communities, and we are thankful for you!



Holochain Design

Creating an ecosystem of decentralized applications with distributed, user-controlled storage. Cheaper, faster, better than #Blockchain @metacurrency @H_O_L_O_