Go to Home of the Muse
Home of the Muse
Where words and creativity play. Short fiction, poetry, and writing prompts from Lisa & Buddy Gott.
Note from the editor

Where words and creativity play. Home of the Muse publishes short fiction, poetry, writing prompts, creative nonfiction, and diary entries that talk about the writing life and journey.

Go to the profile of Lisa Gott
Lisa Gott
Reader. Writer. Lover of life. Fueled by coffee and cookies.
Go to the profile of Buddy Gott
Buddy Gott
Lover of music, tv, books, and movies. Host of the GOTTA POP podcast.
Go to the profile of Lisa Gott
Lisa Gott
Reader. Writer. Lover of life. Fueled by coffee and cookies.
Go to the profile of Buddy Gott
Buddy Gott
Lover of music, tv, books, and movies. Host of the GOTTA POP podcast.