Celebrities Acting Badly

Homeland Security
Published in
6 min readFeb 27, 2016

We definitely live in a strange culture. We value hard work and entrepreneurism. We value freedom and expression. We also revere, look up to, and idolize some celebrities who can’t help but to act badly. I get it, for some of them they are marketing their brand. But in many cases, their brand is shit. Many of these people worked hard to get where they are. They profess to keep where they came from close to their heart. They should, but not in the ways that some of them exhibit. Celebrities have a responsibility to act as role models. It is, of course, still a free country, and anyone may express themselves how they wish, as long as they obey the law. We, as consumers, however, are also free to not pay them any attention or contribute to their financial earnings. Here are four examples of what I’m talking about.

Lil Wayne is a musician famous for his genre of music. He’s probably just as famous for his association with, or allegiance to, the Bloods street gang (specifically one of the Piru sets of the Bloods). According to the FBI, gangs account for almost half of all violent crime in the US.


Lil Wayne “reps” both the Uptown Bloods and the MOB St. Pirus. In the picture above, Wayne is flying the red flag in his pocket, and flashing the Piru sign with his right hand. I get it; Wayne sells his music to gang members. Is he really a gang member, a violent person, or does he just associate to make a profit? Hard to say, but it might come back to haunt him. The below video shows a Crip calling him out. Wayne stays safely behind his big bodyguards and leaves in his expensive car. His bravery obviously easily matches his desire to provide a positive role model for young people coming up from tough neighborhoods.

https://youtu.be/FQXQVoOALnw es/꟤}^a

Desean Jackson is definitely a talented athlete who enjoys the support of a strong family. Jackson attended Long Beach Polytechnic High School, UC Berkley, and was recruited by both baseball and football teams. And yet, he hangs out with gang members, Crips to be exact. Why? He denies being a member of a gang, even though he frequently flashes Crips signs and he is closely associated with other gang members accused of murder. According to a CBS sports new story, Jackson admits to being friends with and associating with gang members. Why? He certainly has a lot to lose, like his membership with the Philadelphia Eagles. Jackson claims to flash gang signs to remind himself from where he came. I wasn’t aware that Long Beach Polytechnic was a hot bed of criminal gang activity. Some celebrities apply their status to charitable endeavors, some of which are designed to keep young people away from bad things. Apparently, others choose to emulate and legitimize the bad. Jackson’s athleticism may be eclipsed by his stupidity.


Over the years, I have enjoyed much of Sean Penn’s acting. Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High is one of my favorites, dude. Not only is his acting good, but he actually married the Princess Bride (another one of my favorites). And yet, in real life, he can’t help but act like a moron. Mr. Penn took it upon himself, along with his personal photographer of course, to respond to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to save people (I guess?). Unfortunately, his boat sprang a leak and sank. And, Mr. Penn takes himself so seriously, that apparently only he was important enough to interview Mexican drug lord, el chapo (a violent mass murderer). Um…….why Mr. Penn? I guess hanging out with bad autocrats like Hugo Chavez got boring? If I was to give any advice to Mr. Penn, it would be to leave dangerous rescue work to the professionals and stop hanging out with seriously bad people before they kill you. If we have any acting questions, we’ll let you know, and………..your behavior is totally bogus and lame.


Well, some of his movies are bizarre, and some of his movies I’ve really enjoyed. Of course, they are entertainment….and quite violent. Somehow, another movie industry celebrity felt that his opinion was so important that he needed to share it (even if it had nothing to do with his area of expertise). Unfortunately, he didn’t explain what he was talking about when he called cops murderers, nor did he provide any evidence or examples of what he was talking about. Well said, Mr. Tarantino. He later backpedaled and explained that he wasn’t calling all cops murderers. You decide, here’s what he originally said, “I’m a human being with a conscience,” he said at the rally. “And when I see murder I cannot stand by. And I have to call the murdered the murdered and I have to call the murderers the murderers.” Ok, but what exactly are you saying when you start throwing around hateful language. Police officers carry a burden of responsibility far heavier than most other people. Police officers have the power to take away another person’s freedom, and under certain circumstances, to take another human beings life to protect others. I know firsthand that these responsibilities are not taken lightly. Cops are very aware of the responsibilities entrusted to them. Also, when a cop commit a crime, they are held responsible, and many times more responsible than the rest of the public. It’s nice that Mr. Tarantino makes popular movies, but I’ll be more impressed when he speaks with some thought, or risks his life to help others.


Celebrities are successful, often talented, people who hold a certain amount of influence over others. To a certain extent, the rest of us are responsible for this. Many celebrities who are idolized work in entertainment industries (including professional sports). They are gifted and have talents that many of the rest of us don’t. It is a free country, and they are entitled to their opinions, but it would certainly be nice of more of them used their influence to do more to help other people instead of glamorizing the truly bad or saying and doing thoughtless things.

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