Chris Hardwick Saves America! (And maybe the world!)

Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2016

Here on PopSec, we have written several article about how popular culture intersects preparedness and is a reflection of what is going on in the world. Mr. Chris Hardwick has been bringing these same messages to the masses for years. Here are a few examples of exactly how…

Chris is the host of the very popular television show, The Talking Dead, which is a one hour recap of that weeks episode of the Robert Kirkman inspired program “The Walking Dead”. Each week, Chris and his panelist discuss a fictional zombie apocalypse, but in doing so bring the scenario more into the real world and help to reinforce the ideas of preparedness. On a recent show, Chris even gave the studio audience a “zombie preparedness kit.” We have discussed here on PopSec that if you are ready for zombies, you are ready for anything.

Soccer Moms Kick Ass

Another one of Chris Hardwick’s endeavors is a program called At Midnight. It focuses on social media, which is becoming more and more integrated in homeland security. We learned that Soccer Moms Kick Ass at Counter Terrorism by using social media and available apps. Shows like At Midnight help push that social media presence, and if while looking at cute kittens someone realizes that there are lifesaving apps out there too, the overall community is better for it.

Up, Up and Away!

Chris also pushes out a great deal of popular culture content on Twitter via his @Nerdist page. Pop culture crosses into so many areas of homeland security. We already covered zombies, but there is also the correlation between the popularity of superhero culture and the global increase in terrorism and that the Terminators might really be coming. We also know that we have to keep our children safe from Five Finger Death Punch. The more exposure people have, the more the connections we start to make, and Chris keeps people thinking. All his shows and media sources entertain, but can lead you to more serious topics in less threatening way. He is the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down. In this constantly evolving world, that sugar might be the thing that starts saving people…

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