Is North Korea A Real Threat To U.S?

Homeland XYZ
Homeland Security
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2016

By Sheree McManus

The division between North and South Korea remains a geopolitical challenge. It is a divided peninsula occupied by two countries still technically at war. South Korea is modern, democratic and one of America’s closest allies. North Korea is impoverished, isolated and belligerent towards America.

North Korea, also known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has had an interest in nuclear weapons since the end of World War II and currently has a nuclear program. American intelligence believes that they may have the ability to miniaturize nuclear weapons, and put them on rockets — that could reach the United States.

On January 6, 2016 North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test, provoking the ire and condemnation of its neighbors and the United States. Also, recently Kim Jong-un threatened to attack South Korea’s ships, and initiated the execution of his uncle, Jang Song-thaek and his entire family. Furthermore, since he has taken office (2014), Kim Jong-un has executed approximately 70 officials, as part of an effort to eliminate potential rivals. Such uncertainty and unpredictability displayed by Kim Jong-un has been unsettling. As a result, the nuclear program under his leadership has been labeled a grave global threat. Some of these grave threats have been recently directed at the United States, and has caused concern.

According to Michael Madden, an expert on the North Korean leadership, he states that what some observers and analysts have identified as instability is really an effort (on Kim Jong-un’s part) at resetting a very entrenched system. He continues by pointing out that although the younger Kim’s reign has been violent, these actions have promoted stability and a return to a more “formal” way of running the country.

Although I agree with Mr. Madden up to a point on his assessment of Kim Jong-un’s instability as a strategic move — I do not agree with his overall conclusion. Mr. Madden is an Expert and I am not. Yet, a sober analysis of the facts reveal that Kim Jong-un has executed a multitude of people, and continues to execute people. Likewise, he continues to threaten America.

In short, whether North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s actions are strategic or not, the threats real or “hollow” — North Korea’s actions cause international alarm and should be monitored.

Based upon the discussion above, do you think North Korea is a real threat to the U.S.?



Homeland XYZ
Homeland Security

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