Speaking Truth to Power: City Council Must Release the Funds to Build George Wythe

Richmond for All calls on City Council to stop the delay in releasing funds for a new George Wythe High School and begins our ad campaign that speaks truth to power.

Richmond For All
2 min readMar 21, 2022


For the past five months, Richmond City Council has voted to delay appropriation of much-needed funds to rebuild George Wythe High School. The Richmond Public School Board voted months ago to proceed immediately on a new George Wythe High School after 5 years of delay from the Mayor’s office (english / español).

These delays are devastating to educators and students; they undermine the democratic rights of the School Board to govern schools with communities at the fore, not donors or political agendas. In a moment when the highest governing office of our state has thrown the full weight of its administration against the political autonomy of School Boards to implement even the most basic public health policies or approve curriculum that meets the needs of their students, nothing could be more important in our state capital than the legal rights of our democratically-elected School Board.

Despite this urgency, the Mayor and City Council are holding the School Board hostage. Enough is enough. Richmond for All is calling on City Council to immediately release the funds for construction.

In concert with this call, Richmond for All has begun a digital advertising campaign to speak truth to power and raise awareness around Council’s continued delay. These advertisements have also been translated into Spanish to include a broader reach of directly invested families in Southside.

Join us! Richmonders who wish to tell their representative to release the funds for a new George Wythe High School can do so below:

Send your email now.



Richmond For All

#RichmondForAll is a coalition of individuals and organizations fighting for housing, education, environmental, & racial justice. We put #PeopleOverProfit.