Why you should join Presale Now!

Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2022

We thank everyone who participated in previous rounds of our token sale. We are grateful for your support and we hope that you will continue to support us in this bear market that we currently experience.

We are here to give full details of why you should join this Ongoing presale now.

Homwere Introduces H-Store

The past week, we have made subsequent announcement of our H-Store, we also released an MVP video showing clearly most features of the H-Store.

The H-Store is the first of it`s kind, it will be a place on mobile, web and all all cross platforms (Linux, MACOS, Windows) where everyone can download their favorite dApps from DeFi.

For the first time ever, a place where you can download PancakeSwap, Uniswap, Rigel Protocol Gift, QuickSwap, GameFi such as Mines of Dalarnia, Farmers World, Splinter Lands and so much more on any device.

No more using a dApp browser as in Metamask and Trustwallet on mobile. You can simply download and use out wallet connector on the store and it work seamless. It`s truly amazing.

More details on this can be viewed from the previous article we released.

Ongoing Presale Details and Allocation

Blockchain Networks: POLYGON and BSC

Allocation: 12,500,000 HME tokens on both Chains

Price: $0.001

Presale Participation Link: https://presale.homwere.com

Time Stamp: This Round of token sale will be live for 16 days;

Date: STARTS 15|05|2022 00:00 UTC + 1 ENDS ON 31|05|2022 23:29 PM UTC + 1

Whitepaper: Homwere Whitepaer v2

Usage of Presale Raised funds

If our ongoing presale is successful and we are able to raise the target funds ($25,000), we have a detailed plan on how this funds will be used.

  1. 25% will be used for Marketing of the H-Store
  2. 25% will be allocated to more Partners and Team members
  3. 25% will be used for Liquidity provision
  4. 25% will be set aside for Further Developments of the Wallet Connector

We will begin our public sales after the h-Store has been fully launched on Google Playstore and the App store.

For more questions, queries and details, feel free to contact us via email on official@homwere.com

Thanks! Homwere (H-Store) Team.

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