HOPR Node Installation Guide

Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2021

Welcome to the HOPR node installation guide for the Wildhorn v2 testnet. Please follow this guide to get started with your node. If you have any problems, please reach out to one of our ambassadors on Telegram or Discord.

IMPORTANT: Before installing a new version of the HOPR node, withdraw any funds on your node to your personal ERC20 wallet, otherwise your funds will be lost! If you have issues withdrawing your funds, please reach out to community support.

Installing a HOPR Node
There are several ways to run a HOPR node. You can run one on your own device, install one on a virtual private server (VPS) or use a dedicated hardware device such as the AVADO HOPR Node PC, which has it as a package (Docker image).

The two main options for installation are using npm or Docker.

Note on Windows and MacOS Support

HOPR nodes are fully supported on Linux, mostly supported on MacOS (except M1 chips, which seem to work, but haven’t been fully tested) and partially supported on Windows. We hope you’ll be able to get a node running on Windows, and have provided instructions to do so, but unfortunately cannot offer full support at this time.

Latest Public Release Details

name = Wildhorn-V2
network = xdai
Hoprd version = 1.81.10
Node.js version = 16

VPS Users

If you’re running your nodes on a VPS, make sure you’ve logged in to your server with the port forwarding feature. This will let you log in as the same server user and have two running nodes.

terminal/cmd client:

ssh -L 3000: <root or username>@<Your_server_ip>


Linux and MacOS

To install Node.js with nvm, run the following:

$ nvm install v16
$ nvm use v16

If everything was done properly, you can run:

node --version 

to see your current node.js version.

Once node.js is installed, use the following commands to install and run your node:

$ mkdir wildhorn-v2 && cd wildhorn-v2
$ npm install @hoprnet/hoprd@wildhorn-v2
$ DEBUG="hopr*" npx hoprd --init --admin --rest --identity ./.hoprd-id-02 --data ./.hoprd-db-02 --password='hopr-01' --testNoAuthentication

With your terminal still running, you can view your node by visiting localhost:3000 in your browser.


Download Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition installer and install “Desktop development with C++” with the three minimum required packages: “C++ core desktop features”, “MSVC v142 — VS 2019 C++” and “Windows 10 SDK”. This will require up to 6gb of disk space.

Download and install Python 2, using default installation settings.

Download and install Node Version Manager for Windows, using default installation settings.

Open a new Command Prompt window and run the following commands:

mkdir C:\wildhorn-v2 && cd C:\wildhorn-v2
nvm install 16.0.0
nvm use 16.0.0
npm config set prefix “C:%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\nvm”
npm config set msvs_version 2019 --global
npm install -g node-pre-gyp@latest
npm install @hoprnet/hoprd@wildhorn-v2

Now run the HOPR node:

set DEBUG=hopr* && npx hoprd --init --admin --rest --identity .\.hoprd-id-02 --data .\.hoprd-db-02 --password='hopr-01' --testNoAuthentication

With your terminal still running, visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


Using Docker allows you quickly get started without having to download any other software requirements in your machine. This allows you to quickly get started using the system, but has some hardware requirements to be aware of.

Linux and MacOS

Visit https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ and follow the instructions to install Docker.

Once Docker is installed, install your node by using:

docker pull hopr/hoprd:wildhorn-v2

The to run your node, use:

docker run -v $HOME/.hoprd-db-wildhorn-v2:/app/db -e DEBUG=hopr\* -p 9091:9091 -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 hopr/hoprd:wildhorn-v2 --password='h0pR-w1ldhorn-v2' --init --announce --identity /app/db/.hopr-id-wildhorn-v2-1 --testNoAuthentication --admin --adminHost --healthCheck --healthCheckHost

With your terminal still running, visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


You’ll need Hyper-V to run a node via Docker on Windows, but this is only supported on Windows Pro 2004 (build 19041 or higher) or Enterprise or Education 1909 (build 18363 or higher). For other versions of Windows, please try the NVM instructions above.

Download and install Ubuntu for Windows

Follow the installation guide

Install Docker

Install WSL2

Open Ubuntu as administrator

Open Docker as administrator

Start docker image

Run windows Command Prompt

Type this command:

docker pull hopr/hoprd:wildhorn-v2

To start the node, run:

docker run -v %cd%/.hoprd-db-wildhorn-v2:/app/db -e DEBUG=hopr\* -p 9091:9091 -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 hopr/hoprd:wildhorn-v2 --password='h0pR-w1ldhorn-v2' --init --announce --identity /app/db/.hopr-id-wildhorn-v2-1 --testNoAuthentication --admin --adminHost --healthCheck --healthCheckHost

Once you’ve completed the installation process, keep your terminal open and visit localhost:3000


You can run HOPR Wildhorn v2 on your AVADO box.

Please delete the old package first, before deleting the package make sure you withdraw all your funds.

While connected to your AVADO network or via a VPN, go to the following link. This will show a new package version. Just click the install button and wait until you see the success message. This may take some time.

If you are unable to use the link above, search for this hash in the AVADO DappStore: /ipfs/QmQsXNc5NauDwMCN3rVQuoMStp24FPttXwwAQysDy58VkC

Next Steps

Congratulations! Your HOPR node should be installed and running. To fund your node and get started on the testnet, please visit the guide to running a node.

