HOPR Node Runner Guide (Wildhorn v2 Testnet)

Published in
5 min readOct 20, 2021

Welcome, this guide will explain some of the commands you can use in your HOPR nodes during the Wildhorn v2 Testnet.

IMPORTANT: To register your node’s score in the testnet, you MUST run the withdraw command at least once, withdrawing to the address you’d like to register on the leaderboard.

You can combine scores from multiple nodes by withdrawing from each node to the same address. This will also be the address we send your HOPR Boost NFT to once the testnet is over.

Only the last withdraw command associated with a node during the testnet period will count.

Funding Your Node

Once you’ve completed the node installation process, keep your terminal open and visit localhost:3000 in your browser to access the node interface (or here on AVADO). If your node is unfunded, you’ll see a warning like this:

You can fund your node by contacting our Ambassadors on telegram, or if you’re a HOPR staker you should have already been airdropped some tokens.

You’ll need to fund your node with both txHOPR and xDAI to start it. Once your node is funded, it will automatically recognize this and start up.

Basic Commands

Before we start interacting with other nodes, let’s take a tour around our own node. You can get a full list of commands by typing “help”.

To get your node address, type:


You’ll see two addresses: the last five characters of your node’s HOPR address, and its xDai address (although it will say “ETH address”). To see the full HOPR address, click the shortened version to expand it.

To get your node’s token balance, type:


You’ll see its balance in xDAI and txHOPR tokens.

To see what other nodes your node knows about, type :


This will show a (hopefully!) long list of other nodes, including your node’s assessment of their quality. This quality factor is used when your node tries to find the best path through the network for sending data. This data is hard to make accurate, and is one of the things we’ll be testing in this and future testnets.

A direct way to test the connection between your node and another node is to use the ping function. Type:

ping [address]

Now let’s try sending a direct (unmixed, not private) message. It’s best if you use an address of someone you know or another node you control.

To send a message, type:

send ,[address] [message]

Make sure you put a space after send and a comma directly before the address!

Opening Channels

To send private messages, you need to open channels to other nodes to relay your data.

To open a channel, type:

open [address] [amount of txHOPR to fund]

The amount can be anything your balance can cover, but bear in mind each ticket is worth 0.01 txHOPR, so 1 txHOPR should be enough to send many messages!

Sending Multi-hop Messages

Let’s send a message to our own node. Type:

send [hop address],[your address] [message]

If you check your balance, you’ll see that you’ve spent some txHOPR sending those messages.

Redeeming Tickets

Those txHOPR will have been converted to tickets in the relaying node. The controllers of your node can now type:


To convert those tickets back to txHOPR. Their balances will increase by the appropriate amount.

Closing Channels

You can also close a payment channel by typing

close [address]

It will initiate channel closing, now you should wait for 1 minute.

Then repeat the close command again:

close [address]

Note that you need to use the address of the other end of the channel, not the channel ID.

When this happens, tickets should automatically be redeemed.


Use the withdraw command to withdraw the specified amount of native or HOPR tokens to the target address.

withdraw [amount] [native / hopr] [address]

Ensure you have sufficient native tokens in your balance to pay for the gas fees.

IMPORTANT: To register your node’s score in the testnet, you MUST run the withdraw command at least once, withdrawing to the address you’d like to register on the leaderboard. You can combine scores from multiple nodes by withdrawing from each node to the same address. This will also be the address we send your HOPR Boost NFT to once the testnet is over.

