Your 2020 “Year in Review”

Tripp Kirkland
Horizon Performance
2 min readDec 23, 2020
Image by Benjamin Nelan from Pixabay.

2020 has been a year we will never forget. We have all been challenged, personally and professionally.

But, there is opportunity in chaos. Rather than chalk the year up as a loss, take time over this last week of the year to reflect and better yourself. You can start by asking these 4 questions:

  1. “What was supposed to happen?” Write down what you set out to accomplish in 2020. This was your plan for the year. Include your personal and professional goals and objectives. You can also draft a timeline of planned events and fill in the 5Ws (who, what, when, where, why).
  2. “What actually happened?” If your 2020 was anything like mine, then it did not go as planned — and that is ok! Address your planned goals and objectives. If you drafted a timeline, identify when and where you deviated from the plan.
  3. “What worked?” Now that you have a clear picture of 2020, identify actions and behaviors that you want to continue. These are called maintains.
  4. “What needs to be better?” Where did you miss the mark in 2020? Why? Identify the causes and the specific actions and behaviors that fell short. These are called improves.

You should now have a better perspective on 2020 and an idea of what you would like to continue doing and improve on in 2021.

This time of year is perfect for reflecting on the past, but it is also the season to plan and prepare for the future. Use your 2020 review to craft your 2021 game plan with smart goals and objectives. Check out this post if you need help.

Happy holidays!

