Beyond Discounts: Craft Hotel Offers That Build Connections and Loyalty

From Discounts to Experiences: Winning Strategies for Your Hotel Offers

Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech
6 min readMar 29, 2024


Couple enjoying romantic wine cellar tour — hotel experience package
It’s not just about the room, it’s about the memories. Our “Romance Getaway” makes moments unforgettable.

The hospitality industry is a battlefield. Hotels of every shape and size jostle for guests, their special offers flashing like neon signs in a crowded cityscape. How do you ensure your hotel isn’t just another flickering bulb, but a beacon that cuts through the noise?

Let me share some tips I’ve learned both as a seasoned traveler and someone who’s dabbled in the hotel marketing world. With the right strategies, you can craft hotel offers that resonate with your target audience, build loyalty, and drive bookings.

Know Your Tribe: Data-Driven Personalization

Before crafting your first offer, ask yourself this fundamental question: Who am I trying to reach? Generic offers blast the market and end up appealing to no one. Recent marketing data emphasizes the power of understanding your ideal guests to tailor offers that truly resonate. What are their pain points? What gets them truly excited?

A few years back, I stumbled across a boutique hotel that had done its homework. I’m a work-from-anywhere type, and their offer was irresistible — high-speed Wi-Fi, a dedicated workspace in my suite, unlimited artisanal coffee, and a discount on in-room spa treatments. It wasn’t the cheapest option, but it spoke directly to my needs as a digital nomad. I booked immediately.

The Rise of the “Bleisure” Traveler

This growing segment presents a unique opportunity. Can your hotel become a welcoming base for those blending work and pleasure? Flexible check-in/check-out times, workspace amenities, and even curated guides for local exploration during downtime demonstrate you understand this evolving traveler’s needs.

Actionable Tip: Dive into your website analytics, booking data, and social media insights to better understand your clientele. Segment your audience by demographics, travel patterns, and even expressed interests. This isn’t just about data—put yourself in their shoes to understand what really makes their hearts race.

Experiences Over Discounts: The Power of Emotion

While everyone loves a good deal, the modern traveler seeks more than savings. They want experiences. This is where hotels can truly shine. Instead of slashing rates, think about how you can elevate the entire stay.

My wife and I once splurged on a historic hotel for our anniversary. Their standard package didn’t wow us, but they had a “Romance Getaway” option. Besides the champagne and roses (classic, but still appreciated), it included a private tour of the hotel’s wine cellar, led by their passionate sommelier. We learned about wine pairings, discovered hidden architectural gems, and felt like VIPs. That extra touch made the higher price tag worthwhile.

Embrace the Unexpected

Think beyond standard packages. Is there a popular festival in your town? Can you build a themed offer around it? Partnering with local artists and craftspeople lets you offer guests exclusive workshops or behind-the-scenes experiences. Don’t be afraid to surprise and delight — it’s those unexpected touches that stick in a traveler’s memory.

Actionable Tip: Inventory your hotel’s unique assets. Is it a breathtaking view? A partnership with a local artist? Farm-to-table cuisine? Brainstorm ways to package these into experiences guests won’t find elsewhere rather than a simple percentage discount.

The Trend You Can’t Ignore: Sustainability Matters

Sustainability is no longer a niche concern. A significant and growing number of travelers consciously choose eco-friendly hotels. In fact, a recent survey found that 71% of global travelers want to travel more sustainably. Ignoring this trend could seriously hurt your visibility and appeal.

Make sure your sustainability efforts are genuine and transparent. Greenwashing is a big turn-off. Highlight initiatives like waste reduction, renewable energy, supporting local farmers, or community conservation projects.

Actionable Tip: Can you partner with an ecotourism operator? Offer electric bike rentals? Bicycles? Create a “green stay” package highlighting your commitment? Even small changes demonstrate you share your guests’ values.

Embrace Collaboration: Strength in Partnerships

No hotel is an island. In a competitive market, partnerships are power moves. Look at businesses and attractions around you with aligned audiences and think creatively.

A cozy bed and breakfast in my hometown teamed up with a yoga studio. Their wellness package was a huge hit — yoga classes, wholesome meals, comfortable accommodations… a mini-retreat without even leaving town! This cross-promotion boosted visibility for both businesses.

Actionable Tip: Research complementary businesses nearby. Can you bundle your accommodations with museum tickets, guided nature tours, or a food and wine tasting experience? Don’t just partner — think about how you can create something truly unique together.

Social Media: Your Digital Stage

Social media is where you create buzz, build relationships, and showcase your standout offers. It’s not just about posting — it’s about engagement.

I still remember a small coastal hotel whose Instagram feed I fell in love with. Stunning photography of their oceanfront rooms was only the start. They shared videos of local fishermen hauling in the day’s catch (served at their restaurant!), tips on finding the best beaches, behind-the-scenes peeks at staff making everything perfect… I felt connected to the place even before setting foot on the property.

The Power of Storytelling

Don’t just list features, craft a narrative. Was your hotel once a historic mansion? Share snippets of its past on your website and social media. Did a couple get engaged during their “Romance Getaway”? Get permission to share their story (anonymized if they prefer). These tales make your offers come alive.

Actionable Tip: Use a mix of content — eye-catching visuals, guest testimonials, even humor if it aligns with your brand. Run contests centered around your offers. Make people excited to experience what you offer.

The Secret Weapon: Your Email List

Email marketing, while old-school, remains incredibly effective for hotels. It’s a direct line to your past and potential guests. Segmentation is crucial here, ensuring offers are relevant to each recipient.

Personalization took center stage for me when a hotel I’d stayed at for a conference sent a follow-up email a few months later. Not only did they remember me, but they offered a discount tailored to my leisure travel interests with suggested activities nearby. It showed they were paying attention to my preferences, and I ended up booking a weekend trip.

Actionable Tip: Make it easy for people to sign up for your list (website, social media, even at check-in). Segment your list and send targeted, personalized emails to maximize engagement.

Technology — Friend or Foe?

The plethora of booking platforms and price comparison websites is a double-edged sword for hotels. Harness them, but don’t become entirely reliant on them.

While these sites drive visibility, remember commissions eat away at your bottom line. Your goal should be encouraging direct bookings whenever possible. How? Loyalty programs, exclusive perks on your website, or even a “best price guarantee.”

Actionable Tip: Do a quick price comparison of your hotel on various booking platforms vs. booking direct. Is the difference attractive enough for customers to choose your website? Is navigating your website a smooth, enjoyable process?

Flash Sales and Urgency

Need to fill those rooms during a slow period? Limited-time “flash sales” generate buzz and quick bookings. Promote these heavily across your email list and social media, playing up the exclusivity and the chance to snag a great deal. To really amp up the excitement, embed a real-time countdown timer on your website and promotional materials. Seeing the seconds ticking away creates a powerful sense of urgency that nudges potential guests towards booking.

Actionable Tip: There are many tools and plugins that help you set up dynamic countdown timers on your website. Do your research to find one suitable for your platform (e.g., WordPress, Shopify, etc.) that allows for accurate real-time countdown functionality.

Important Note: It’s crucial that the countdown timer is truly accurate and reflects actual availability to avoid frustrating customers or, worse, being perceived as deceptive.

Your Turn!

I hope these ideas have sparked your creativity in developing unique hotel offers that attract your ideal guests and keep them coming back. Remember, it’s not just about the deal; it’s about the connection you make and the anticipation you build.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Do you have experience crafting successful hotel offers? What are some of your winning strategies? Hit the comments and let’s share the knowledge!

Thank you for reading!

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Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech

AI and Tech in simple language. Complex ideas, made simple. Stay at the forefront of the revolution.