Day 10th

I want to do it!

A short summary of current status. No profit! No job!

I’ve been working last 10 days a lot. I don’t want to tell you guys I worked 16 hours a day. That’s not true. Do you remember? #nofilter I spent 2 days on road trip around some beautiful places here in New Zealand. Sleeping in a car, camping, … After an article I wrote a couple of days ago, I’ve got some job offers. Anyway, still not the right one — so I can continue with this experiment.

I’ve already run into many problems. Pay for iTunes, pay for Android, how to create icon, terms and conditions to app stores, … And there was always a thought like — Is it worth it? I still think yes it is! I just want to feel that feeling. You know, someone subscribes your application. Someone give you a couple of dollars for the work you have done. Maybe there won’t be a profit at all. But it is worth it. Definitely!

I think we can accomplish whatever we want. But you have to set up your head. Otherwise, you will quit with everything. Gym, business, school, love, ... You will see other people who have already achieved their dreams. You will see your competitors, they are doing the same as you, they are much further than you. They are already doing 100 push ups in a row, they have already 1 million of customers, … But, you know, it is not about them. It is all about me. I just want to do it.

You will always regret only things you have never done!

Current state of “Let’s do a profitable app”

So far, we are minus 160 dollars :D So I need a lot of you guys to make this app profitable. I had to pay for Apple iTunes (~$135) and Google Play (~$25).

I spent day and a half with setting Google Play and publishing the app. So far, we are already using a private beta.


  • login by facebook
  • login by google
  • ability to add/update/delete account
  • ability to add/update/delete group
  • ability to add/update/delete transactions
  • ability to add/update/delete category
  • show my current balance

Next steps

  • test the app mainly
  • add subscription (almost done by the way)
  • adjust the UI
  • solve Google play and App Store
  • create an icon for the app (any ideas how to do it fast?)
  • terms and condition — I have never read any and now I have to write it :)


Recently, I have created react-native-motion library. And definitely want to use it for this project. I’ve promised here, I will provide an example how to use it. And I will. I really like helping others. I am trying to be active in the community. Anyway, if the community wants to help me now, it will be awesome :) You can either clap or share this article. You can help me with the icon. You can leave a supportive comment :) Everything helps.



Jiří Otáhal
How I built profitable application faster than found new job

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion