About ‘How They Made Money’

What no-scam financial education looks like

How They Made Money
3 min readJul 17, 2020


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

When we were growing up, they taught us about the Pythagoras theorem and how plants produce glucose during photosynthesis. Now unless you’re a school teacher, you probably won’t make a single cent with this type of knowledge.

Schools have taught us so many things that we didn’t necessarily need to know in detail. What’s worse? Our value as school students was determined by our knowledge of these not-so-useful things.

Not saying that children shouldn’t learn about basic mathematics and science. Of course, they should. However, our system should have taught us how to become financially independent. But it didn’t. Maybe because the system itself hadn’t figured it out either?

Knowledge or Distraction?

Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

The internet is full of knowledge and distractions. How you use it is completely up to you. After all, you’re an adult capable of making your own decisions.

There are a lot of people out there who say that social media is bad and that people should delete their social media accounts. But usually, their posts end with “like and subscribe.” Oh, the hypocrisy.

When I quit my toxic job, it was the internet that helped me find ideas to generate several sources of income — including several Medium articles. YouTube was also a very good source of information — if only you ignore those fake gurus trying to sell you courses, which brings me to my next point.

We Believe in No-Scam Financial Education

Image by Leo Saini

At How They Made Money, my aim is to bring you case studies about people who have ALREADY made money through legitimate means.

This publication doesn’t endorse or publish articles along the lines of “How you COULD make money.” For example: “How you can make $100 a day working from home.”

We’d rather talk about someone who is already making $100 a day working from home. Remember the name of this publication is How They Made Money, not How You Can Make Money, because then it would a bunch of hypothetical and impractical advice.

“Money-Making Lessons From the Ones Who Have Already Made It”

That’s our slogan, our tagline, our mission.

In this day and age, relying upon one source of income is not wise. But generating another source of income can be a daunting task.

That’s where we come in. We’ll give you the much-needed advice and motivation based on real-life case studies — no hot air, no fluff.

And if you want to contribute articles to this publication, feel free to check our Write For Us page and get in touch.

Join the tribe and let’s be financially independent together.

