How I Went from Zero Followers to 106 in Just 7 Months, and Quit My Job

Jeremy David
How To Life
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016

I get asked about my success continuously.

By that I mean; Never.

The truth is:

There are no shortcuts. It has been a lot of hard work.

I have spent countless hours setting up fake email addresses and then creating fake Medium accounts, having to scan the internet for pictures — then saving those to my hard-drive, finally uploading them to the fake profile. Coming up with fake names has also been strenuous. I then log into those fake accounts and follow myself. Also, recommend myself, and write fake comments.

The process of logging in-and-out of various accounts can get exhausting. You must set aside a large part of your day — in doing so.

The remaining followers are Robots, I suspect.

How did I quit my Job you ask? (assuming you did ask)

Honestly, I haven't held a real job in some time. The previous Jobs I did have, well, I was fired. The fact I have several Tattoos; including some extensive Hawaiian Tribal work covering my knuckles, has played a large part in the process of not being employed.

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Don’t forget to subscribe to my free Webinar; where I will go into greater detail — with a step-by-step process. I will also review: The 5 Reasons Why I Don’t Have 5 Tips To Improve Your Productivity.




Jeremy David
How To Life

I Live on an Island — where I harvest food and interesting thoughts.