Write For Us!

How-To is a new publication seeking writers.

Paul Knulst


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I know getting started on Medium can be difficult and can seem overwhelming in the beginning.

I’m a relatively new writer on this platform myself and know how it feels.

Why Start a New Publication?

How-To is a new publication that was started for one reason.

I want to provide opportunities for new writers to share their How-To’s

What Topics Should You Write About?

The following list is not complete, but it will give you an idea of possible topics.

  • How-To Cook XY
  • How-To earn …
  • How-To create Software XY
  • How-To build …
  • How-To play …
  • How-To gain Followers …
  • How-To

So long as your story is ANY How-To that shares something valuable that you have learned or experienced - that’s what we are looking for.

Your story can be as long or short as you want to make it in this publication.

Please review and edit your articles as best as you can before submitting them and read our Submission Guidelines carefully.



Paul Knulst

Husband, father of two, geek, lifelong learner, tech lover & software engineer. Writing about projects and challenges in IT. https://www.paulsblog.dev