No, There’s Nothing Wrong with Writing About Sex

Or with any other way you want to express your sexuality

Y.L. Wolfe
Howl by Yael Wolfe


Photo by Alexandra Kirr on Unsplash

Writing about sex seems to be a one-step-forward, ten-steps-back process. The farther I have come on this journey, the more I have encountered situations that discourage me. For as liberated as we’re becoming, sometimes I feel like we’re still moving so damn slowly.

I still get comments from men who continue to assert that women don’t like sex as much as they do or that women don’t have a high drive or need for sex. I’ve even gotten these kinds of comments on an article in which I argue why that’s not true.

If you’ve followed me for a while, then you know that this is a real pet peeve of mine. Don’t tell me women don’t like or need sex as much as men. One of these days, I’m going to lose it on some poor, unsuspecting new reader who refuses to let go of this sexist notion. I’m sorry in advance. (I’m not, actually. I’m really not sorry, at all.)

Pet peeves aside, what really gets me is how much shame there is out there — still. So much that I wonder if we’re even making any progress, at all.

I recently received a tirade from a man who accused me and other women of demanding men to stop desiring women — and claiming that our demand was insanely unfair being as we are…



Y.L. Wolfe
Howl by Yael Wolfe

Gender-curious, solosexual, perimenopausal, childless crone-in-training. | Newsletter: | Email: