Go to HR&A Advisors
HR&A Advisors
Making urban communities more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable for all.
Note from the editor

Making urban communities more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable for all.

Go to the profile of HR&A Advisors
HR&A Advisors
Making urban communities more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable for all. hraadvisors.com
Go to the profile of David D Devaughn
Go to the profile of Candace P. Damon
Go to the profile of Syed Ali
Syed Ali
New Yorker turned urban planning student at Harvard, interested in growing communities that are better connected & defy socio-spatial determinants of health.
Go to the profile of James Splendore
Go to the profile of Giacomo Bagarella
Giacomo Bagarella
Passionate about policy, technology, and international affairs. Harvard, LSE, and LKY School of Public Policy grad. All views my own.