☁️ How to Buy an ECS Instance on Huawei Cloud

Ertugrul Basar
Huawei Developers
Published in
7 min readMay 23, 2023

Introduction 🔦

Hi everyone 🙌, in this article, I will guide you on purchasing an ECS instance on Huawei Cloud. However, before we delve into the process, let me give you a brief overview of what an ECS actually is.

What is ECS?

An Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) is a versatile and scalable cloud computing service that empowers users to create and manage virtual servers in the cloud. It offers the flexibility to rapidly provision and deprovision computing resources according to your requirements. ECS is well-suited for a wide range of applications including web hosting, application development, data analysis, and more.

Creating an ECS ⚡️

ECS Main Page

After accessing the ECS main screen, as depicted in the screenshot, you can proceed by clicking on “Buy ECS” located at the top right, as indicated.

- Configure Basic Settings

Basic Settings - 1

1️⃣ Region: The first step in purchasing an ECS is to select the region where the services will be utilized. It is generally recommended to choose the closest region for optimal performance.

2️⃣ Billing Mode: You have three options to choose from: Yearly/Monthly, Pay-per-use, and Spot price. For most cases, the most sensible option is Pay-per-use, as it allows you to be billed based on the frequency and duration of ECS usage.

3️⃣ AZ: You can choose the Availability Zone within the selected region for your ECS. It is important to distribute your resources across multiple Availability Zones to ensure high availability. For now, we will keep it set to random selection.

Basic Settings - 2

4️⃣ Instance Selection: In this section, you have two options: By Type and By Scenario. If you want to filter the machines based on their most suitable use categories, you can select By Scenario. However, for this exercise, we will continue with the By Type option.

5️⃣ CPU Architecture: Huawei Cloud provides two CPU architectures: x86 and Kunpeng. The x86 architecture is a popular CPU architecture commonly used in desktop and server computers. On the other hand, the Kunpeng architecture is a new CPU architecture developed by Huawei, specifically designed for data center applications.

6️⃣ Specifications: In this section, we will select the specifications for the virtual machine we are creating. We will choose a machine with 2 vCPUs and 4GiB of memory (c6.large.2). You can view the other attributes of the available machines on the screen.

Basic Settings - 3

7️⃣ Image: Before purchasing a virtual machine, it is crucial to decide on the operating system you will use. Huawei Cloud offers a variety of options including public and marketplace images, as well as the ability to use your own private images. You should choose the operating system that best suits your needs. In this case, we will proceed with CentOS 7.6 64-bit.

8️⃣ Protection: Huawei Cloud offers a 1-month free trial of HSS Basic Edition, which provides essential security features such as account cracking protection, weak password detection, and malicious program detection. This trial allows you to experience the benefits of enhanced security for your virtual machines at no cost.

Basic Settings - 4

9️⃣ System Disk: In this section, you can customize the characteristics of the system disk for your virtual machine. There are five performance options available, allowing you to choose the level of disk performance that best suits your needs. You can allocate disk space starting from 40 GiB up to a maximum of 1024 GiB. Additionally, you have the option to enable disk encryption for enhanced security. Furthermore, you can add and attach data disks up to 23 times, giving you the flexibility to expand storage capacity as required.

- Configure Network

Network - 1

1️⃣ Network: In this step, you need to select the VPC and Subnet in which the ECS will operate. If you don’t have a VPC already, you can follow this link to create one. It is important to create the VPC in the same region as the ECS you are currently creating to ensure compatibility and proper functioning.

2️⃣ Extension NIC: By leveraging additional NICs on your ECS instance, you can optimize network performance, enhance network security, and achieve greater flexibility in network configurations for your applications and services.

Network - 2

3️⃣ Security Group: Using security groups on ECS, you can improve the security of your instances by defining detailed network access rules, preventing unauthorized access, and safeguarding your ECS resources from malicious activities. While you have the option to create and use a new security group, we will proceed with the default option for this demonstration.

Network - 3

4️⃣ EIP: An Elastic IP (EIP) associated with an ECS instance enables the instance to have both internet access and accessibility from the internet. The bandwidth of the EIP can be modified at any time to meet the requirements.

5️⃣ Billed By: Here you have three options: Bandwidth, Traffic, and Shared bandwidth. The most suitable option for most cases is Traffic, as the EIP will be billed based on usage.

6️⃣ Bandwidth Size: You have the option to allocate a bandwidth size for your EIP, ranging from 1Mbit/s to 2000Mbit/s, based on your chosen billing option.

7️⃣ Release Option: If you want to release the created EIP automatically when you delete the ECS, enable this option.

- Configure Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings - 1

1️⃣ ECS Name: You have the option to set a name for the ECS you create. It is advisable to choose a descriptive name that accurately represents the purpose or location of the ECS for easy identification and management.

2️⃣ Description: You can write a description here to provide additional information about your ECS. This description can include details such as the purpose of the ECS, its intended use case, or any specific configurations or applications installed on it.

3️⃣ Login Mode: You can log in to your ECS using either a password or a key pair. In this demonstration, we will create a password during the setup process. However, you also have the option to create it later if you prefer.

Advanced Settings - 2

4️⃣ Cloud Backup and Recovery: CBR enables you to back up ECS to protect against virus attacks, accidental deletion, and software or hardware faults. With CBR, you can restore data to any point in the past when the data was backed up, ensuring data integrity and availability.

Advanced Settings - 3

5️⃣ Cloud Eye: Cloud Eye is a free monitoring service provided by Huawei Cloud that allows you to monitor the utilization of your service resources, track the running status of cloud services, configure alarm rules and notifications, and quickly respond to resource changes.

Advanced Settings - 4

6️⃣ ECS Group: An ECS group is a feature that enables automatic allocation of ECS instances within the group to different hosts. By utilizing an ECS group, you can enhance the reliability and availability of your services. If you want to create an ECS group, you can do so in this section.

Advanced Settings - 5

7️⃣ Advanced Settings: You can create up to 10 tags and assign an agency to your ECS in this section. Tags are useful for categorizing and organizing your resources, while agencies allow you to assign permissions to trusted accounts or cloud services for a specified duration.

- Confirm

Confirm Page

After making all the required selections, we reach the confirmation page. Here, we can choose the Enterprise project to which the ECS will belong, specify the desired quantity of instances (up to 11), and view the hourly price of the ECS. Once we have checked the agreement box, we can proceed to submit the form, and the ECS will be created shortly after, as shown in below 👇

ECS Main Page

Conclusion 👈

In conclusion, the Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) provides a robust and scalable solution for application management in the cloud. Through this article, we have gained practical knowledge on how to provision and configure ECS instances. Leveraging ECS allows for optimized resource utilization and scalability. For further information, please refer to the provided links in the references section.

Thank you for reading this article, and please feel free to cite this article as a reference in your own work if required.

References 💁

