Chapter 9: Governance

Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry DEX
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2022

My dear Huckleberry friends,

Since the launch of Huckleberry, we have made great strides in creatin’ value for all drifters. We minted a token, called $FINN, with a unique Passive Sailin’ function that made it so everyone could earn just by holdin’. We deployed a DEX, whose trading fees were shared with all holders. We designed $TOM, a staking receipt for $FINN that always increases in value. We launched a lendin’ platform, whose protocol fees were all donated to Tom’s House. Not to mention the ongoing stream of risk-free Shore Excursions that let you earn tokens — includin’ $FINN! — with zero risk. But despite all this, one important feature remained missin’… until now.

As each and every one of you know, Huckleberry was always envisioned as bein’ a drifter-driven endeavor. As such, it is with great pride and joy that I announce that the first iteration of Huckleberry’s governance platform is online and operational!

How does Huckleberry’s Governance work?

Huckleberry’s Governance platform is based on Snapshot’s decentralised voting system. The platform allows any drifter to create proposals and vote usin’ their $TOM tokens. $TOM held in wallets and $TOM staked in Shore Excursions are all included. $TOM supplied to Thatcher’s Reservoir, Huckleberry’s lendin’ platform, will not be included to avoid the risk of double voting (i.e., someone could lend and borrow $TOM. If both sides were counted, 1 $TOM would equal 2 votes).

Any drifter can submit a proposal for others to vote on. To start, only certain proposals will be bindin’. This is to ensure that all bindin’ proposals are technically feasible. In practice, what this means is that there will be two types of proposals.

  • Core: These are proposals posted by the ol’ Finn and the Huckleberry team. If the proposal is Boolean (in other words, of the true/false or yes/no variety), the proposal requires more than 50% approval from the community and 25% of the eligible votes in order to pass. If the proposal is a poll (in other words, offers several voting options), the option with the most votes will pass.
  • Regular: These are proposals posted by the Huckleberry community. These are used to propose ideas and show the community’s point of view. When a Regular Proposal gains enough traction, it will be posted as a Core Proposal.

This next phase of Huckleberry will be one of exploration and learning for each and every one of us. Front this point forward, all drifters should thrive to make major decisions together. That bein’ said, there are sure to be some growin’ pains. This means that we’ll try different approaches. Some will work, and some may not. When something doesn’t work, we’ll decide how to adjusts together until we get it just right.

Prior Writin’

Let the river guide you

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