How I Awaken Pleasure, Sensual Expression & Wellbeing With Music

A word about music’s impact on your everyday human experience and how sharing playlists is a practice of embodiment, pleasure, sensual & spiritual connection.

Mel The Oracle
Human For A Living
5 min readNov 17, 2022


Photo by Crowned Photography | Austin, TX

No, I’m not a scientist. So I am not about to give you a bunch of stats, data points and information about how music effects brainwaves or changes the cells in your body. While I can respect that kind of approach to gaining understanding, that is not my particular jam. I’m much more into focusing on actual shared, felt, human experience to offer insight into life.

I am, however, deeply experienced (7+ years) with guiding bodies through movement and mediation, creating safe, immersive, healing and sacred spaces for individuals, in person and online, to explore their connection to their bodies, energy and sensual expression. I have physically seen, over and over again, how the music playlists I have intentionally curated for these spaces offers transformative shifts in states of being.

And furthermore how music, our universal language, not only brings people deeper into their bodies, their spirits and the present moment, but also how it ignites connection, community and an alternative way of communicating and being in relationship.

A relationship with music is an embodiment practice. Embodiment simply means ‘in the body’. Also because music, at its core, is vibration and frequency — that brings not just science, but Spirit into the mix. Having a relationship with something that engages, links and has the potential to positively transform your body and spirit, is an irreplaceable asset to the human experience.

That, my love — is music. Our relationship with it gives color, texture, fullness and presence to our daily, human walk. It awakens our innate sensual (of the senses) self and allows pleasure (state of feeling good) to blossom. Allowing healing, growth and internal shift with and through sound vibration (music), is a sensual and pleasure practice.

Photo by blocks on Unsplash

Over the past 7 years of working with students, clients and building community in general, music, not information, has become a primary way I communicate. The music playlists I have curated for them have always and forever been apart of how I share my message, my essence, my energy and my full self. Creating a music vibe and a soundtrack to color and support an opening to a new perspective, a new way of living or state of being, I have found, has been just as important and powerful as the information, knowledge and wisdom that I share with words.

“Mel you are incredible. Your playlists and energy took me out of my ego and helped me progress” — CeCe

“I love your playlists. They always transport me to another place.” — Antoniya R

“This playlist you created is AMAZING!! Like I was in a low mood today and this just put the icing on the cake for me! Thank you for creating this space, this community, and this beautiful energy.” — LC

“Two songs in and I’m about to cry. You’re so talented. Thank you!!!!!” — D’Ana Joi

It has always been a way to support my community in positively changing the landscape of their psyche, even when I’m not present. Giving them a chance to have a sensory experience with sounds, words and feels that may be new to them. That inspire them to explore a feeling or felt sense, that inspire exploration of a mood, that inspire them to move, physically and figuratively. Being guided by me in that way is just as important, as imperative, as potent, as powerful as an E-Book, a course, or lesson that I’ve created.

Although I have taken a break from my business and specific way I have served for almost a decade (I share more in this article), I have always wanted and still want all the information, gems and wisdom that I share in written word (articles, Instagram captions, emails) to linger in the music that I suggest for others to listen to.

There is proven power in that. Its been demonstrated and reflected back to me hundreds of times over. This is why I have shared my playlists at every event or space I’ve facilitated, in every course or mentorship I’ve created and STILL share in the show notes of every Full Ass Human podcast episode. I’ve even been commissioned to create playlists for webinar participants and digital magazines (Here is one digital magazine my playlists are featured in)! Because they are deeply, deeply powerful and impactful for the listener and for me to share as the creator.

So now, taking a step away from my experience as a business owner, just talking human to human. Sharing and communicating through music is a deeply human, empathic and effective way to share your essence, your energy, yourself with someone. Everything I mentioned above, applies to our everyday connections with our loved ones, our peers and any other human we cross paths with on this human journey.

Often we humans fall into that trap of focusing exclusively on the value and impact we can bring through our words or how much information we can share. Totally forgetting how we can be deeply valuable and impactful with and through our presence, our energy, our personal vibe! Beautifully, all that can be shared through music — a song or playlist we decide to share with someone.

Here Is Your Homework

Today, this week, this month, allow someone to feel you, to understand and get to know you, through a playlist of music. You could even make the play list to express how you feel about them.

Go to your favorite music streaming platform, or whatever you use ( I won’t judge if you still have CDs, so do I) and take some intentional time to put a string of music together that communicates your essence, your vibe or a feeling you can’t quite put into words.

Then share it with someone and see how you feel. See how they feel. Just let it be a new way to communicate. A new way to drop into your body, into a present moment with yourself, with them — a new way to let pleasure, blossom. If you need some inspiration, check out my 50+ Spotify playlists!

Mel The Oracle is a mentor, yogini, voice artist, writer and host of the Full Ass Human Podcast. After initiating a business sabbatical in march 2022, she began to explore a re-dedication to her many passions. She supports her listeners and readers by vulnerably modeling humanness, teaching by living and reminding them to invite all dimensions of themselves to the table.



Mel The Oracle
Human For A Living

I'm a life/spiritual mentor sharing audio & written musings reminding you to prioritize being human for a living.