HUMAN community newsletter

HUMAN Protocol
HUMAN Protocol
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2021



The highlight of the past two weeks has been the launch of the grants program: $10 million to fund the next wave of HUMAN products and solutions. The grants program is designed to allow others to continue what we’ve started, by enabling and rewarding projects for building on top of the Protocol, and adopting its custom applications, such as Proof of HUMANity.

We’ve also introduced the ambassador program, which will fully launch (with an updated webpage) on November 8th. Get excited, and stay tuned to our channels for more information.

The HUMAN App — earn HMT for signup and referral

Our development team has been working hard on the HUMAN App, improving the withdrawal process, fixing bugs, and laying the foundations for more tasks to be available on it.

  • Withdrawals: now all users with a verified email and completed questionnaire can request a withdrawal of their earned tokens. HMT withdrawals have already been processed for hundreds of users.
  • Forgot password page: a new page with reset password functionality was added to the App.
  • Various bug fixes.

Under development:

  • Withdrawal migration — we want to take care of the gas fees for withdrawals. At the moment, we’re seeing congestion and high gas costs on Ethereum, so we are in the process of migrating the withdrawal system to a few select sidechains.
  • Data labeling page, where users will be able to classify pictures to earn tokens.
  • More accurate UI withdrawal process, including tracking status of the withdrawal, and notification after withdrawal is complete.
  • Integration with other annotation tools for image and text.

Grants program

We were thrilled to launch the grants program ahead of schedule. There has been notable press coverage of the program, from Yahoo!,, and Cointelegraph (Spanish version available).

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve taken the opportunity to elaborate on the grants program, providing the necessary details for those looking to create a proposal. For more information, read the content below.


Marketing’s main focus has been promoting the grants program. Our successful PR campaign resulted in over 400 mentions and references by different publications, and will help us accelerate program participation as we ramp up development. This is one of the main ways we intend to not only drive growth, but also extend the functionality and features of the Protocol, and introduce its unique benefits to new use cases.

New PR agencies

  • Onboarded PR agencies to support HUMAN growth in Asia
  • Onboarded additional PR agency (English)


The 2021 DAO Global Hackathon is kicking off this week. We are excited to participate in the hackathon, co-sponsored by Aragon, which will run until December. Tomasz Mloduchowski, HUMAN’s technical advisor, will be judging the DAO Tooling & Infrastructure sprint.

The HUMAN community is collaborating with Aragon to provide an on-chain, decentralized approach to verifying a user’s humanity without sacrificing privacy. Proof of HUMANity will bridge the security of closely held private keys, with the assurance of bot mitigation, to provide a building block for DAOs, allowing DAO developers to further protect themselves from sybil attacks and botnets.

The hackathon consists of two stages. The bounty stage, which is active now, involves a flurry of tasks. The second stage will commence in two weeks’ time. In the open lane stage, we’re going to ask for a complete integration with Aragon’s DAO toolkit — allowing both the Aragon Court, and the DAO governance, to benefit from increased assurance that a human is on the other side of a transaction.


MIXIN AMA w/ Chinese Community — 13/10/21

Turkey AMA — 28/10/2021

Also, stay tuned to our community channels to hear about the release of HUMAN swag!


We’re delighted to announce that the HUMAN team is growing. We’ve added two new members to help manage and engage the HUMAN community, and one member to the marketing team.

For a list of open positions, visit our careers page.

In the news…

Grants Program Launch on Cointelegraph

Grants Program Launch on

Grants Program Launch on Yahoo Finance

Contelegraph Spanish covers the Grants Program


If you wish to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about HUMAN Protocol, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

