GCC compiler passes, Zelda puzzles, struct and constructors, oh my! Monday Cup of Coding Issue #3

Panagiotis Peikidis
Human Readable
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2018

Hello there!

This is the Monday edition of Morning Cup of Coding, a curated programming newsletter. If you like what you read, consider joining 3,6k engineers by subscribing here. You will receive one such email every workday morning.

Let’s get right to the articles!


GCC Important Passes

Stafford Horne worked on OpenRISC’s port to GCC. Along the way he learned a fair bit of GCC’s passes, which are split between passes on the intermediate representation known as GIMPLE and passes on the Register Transfer Language. The article looks into the latter in more detail.

Solving Zelda puzzles satisfactorily

A big part of playing Zelda games is solving puzzles. Some more complicated than others, and some that can provide an interesting programming challenge. One such puzzle located in Breath of the Wild’s “Akh Va’quot” Shrine, involves fans and turbines in a grid. To solve it, Author Ceri Storey translates the problem into a Boolean satisfiability problem. Spoiler alert, obviously.

struct and Constructors in C++: an “It’s complicated” Relationship

This week we are happy to have a timed-exclusive article written by Jonathan whom we have featured in issue #30.

Jonathan Boccara is an experienced developer who writes blog articles twice a week (every Tuesday and Friday) about how to make expressive code, in particular in C++. You can follow him on his blog Fluent C++ and on Twitter @JoBoccara.

To read the article, pledge $3 or more on our Patreon page and enjoy: access to current and future exclusive content, ad-free issues, free stickers, and any future benefits.


A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS

For the past 3 years Julia Evans has been writing and publishing her own series of programming zines. Zines, which I love but haven’t seen since college, are mini magazines typically self-published in small circles (I personally used to read comic and literary zines of indie creators). In her guest post, Julia talks about the reasons behind choosing the format and more.


Microsoft acquired GitHub

You probably heard the news by now, but I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't considering it was just something mentioned on Friday, that became a serious rumor on Saturday and a fact on Sunday with no official statement to be seen as of this writing. Meanwhile Gitlab has already said their congratulations, and, in a totally unrelated note, they published a migration video (which seems to be very effective). This will be interesting to see unfold.



Panagiotis Peikidis
Human Readable

Unity3D Consultant; Software Craftsman (…mostly). Author of Morning Cup of Coding