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Human Who Codes
The tech-related writings of Nicholas C. Zakas
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Creating a JavaScript promise from scratch, Part 6: Promise.all() and Promise.allSettled()

In my last post, I walked you through the creation of the Promice.race() and Promise.any() methods, both of which work on multiple promises and return a single promise that…

Creating a JavaScript promise from scratch, Part 3: then(), catch(), and finally()

In my first post of this series, I explained how the Promise constructor works by recreating it as the Pledge constructor. In the second post in this series, I explained how asynchronous…

Creating a JavaScript promise from scratch, Part 2: Resolving to a promise

In my first post of this series, I explained how the Promise constructor works by recreating it as the Pledge constructor. I noted in that post that there is nothing asynchronous about the constructor…