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Saudi Arabia

Humanist Voices
Humanist Voices
Official Secular-Humanist publication by Humanist Voices
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10 Saudi Women Get Driver’s Licenses as a Prelude to Equal Rights to Driving Access

The National Post reported on the driver’s licenses for Saudi women.

10 women were issues their first driver’s licenses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The…

This Week in Women’s Rights 2017–09–17

Scott Douglas Jacobsen

“Saudi Arabia remains one of the world’s most repressive countries for women, where a man’s consent is obligatory for women to access human rights, and feminist activists risk arrest. Some changes are creeping in…

An Anonymous Interview with a Gay Ex-Muslim

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Is there an embassy or someplace which can help with a visa and travel to at least a more moderate country?

Anonymous Gay Ex-Muslim: I basically belong from Pakistan and currently living in Saudi Arabia…