Truth Vs Perception (Part 3)

Personal issues: Investigate the Truth.

Héms 😎
5 min readAug 8, 2018


We discussed in part 1 and part 2 that the truth is elusive on social/ religious/ public/ political issues. Here we discuss about personal life issues where “The truth” as singular version does exist and is known to the first person involved in that matter.

The actual truth can be known from the primary persons concerned of any specific issue. Whether Right or Wrong, the truth does not change. Good or bad, the reality is what we experience. Rest are perceptions and perspectives.

The truth is subjective when the folks involved are third persons (pronoun) of any issue. So any statement by a third person on someone else’s issue are just perceptions or opinions and it may or may not be the actual truth. Let us be aware of this fact when we hear about someone from a third party.

Often criminal evils falsely claim as victims with fake stories to gather public support. They even use fake stories and fake blogs to exploit the sympathy of common public to destroy someone. This is often the case when the target is a private citizen with limited resources, thus making them easy target for mob violence.

They further manipulate people to believe themselves as social justice warriors in order to execute their own evil agendas such as extortion, vengeance, conflicts and destroy lives of many innocents.

Dig into the facts, before jumping into Social Justice Warrior (SJW) bandwagons such as feminism, culture, religion, race, tribe, or caste/ class defenders.

Often the voices of real victims are suppressed and they suffer in silence. While criminals spread false prejudice about their victims among the Public so the abuse and manipulation of the victims continue unabated.

In such cases, ‘truth as known’ are just perceptions and false propaganda created by criminal evils. Any harmful reaction or attack on perceived perpetrators would be further blow to innocent victims and aiding the criminal evils.

Always check for who punched first and whether it is an action or reaction.

Before any action based on someone’s statement, there needs to be a thorough investigation for the truth and candid discussion with all of the folks involved. Intentions and actions matter.

Legal abuse and Gaslighting:

Legal abuse is much common in personal issues with gender polarization. Contrary to the popular belief, most of the manipulative criminal evils are women. There is rampant legal abuse of marital laws and female gender protection laws for quick-rich schemes with imaginative accusations of rape, assault, marital issues, to defame men for their own greed, lust, perversion, extortion, etc..

Criminal evil women exploit public sympathy with false accusations against the real victim and present it as feminism. Beware of victim playing women!

Gaslighting — Altering the reality.

Though Gaslighting is often seen on public issues perpetrated by corporations/ militias with media propaganda. It also exists in personal life situations where someone is manipulative with malign intentions altering the reality and propagating lies/ rumors as the truth. This is psychological abuse where the abuser denies the victim’s reality.

Look for the signs of these manipulation techniques before joining forces for some action against someone regardless how you perceive the issue.

Reactions and Response:

The primary persons involved in any personal life issue may be emotional due to the impact they endured or the vengeance of the evil-minded. Often, the evil-minded would seek the support from the public to accomplish their evil agenda, thus causing more suffering to the true victim.

Do NOT fall prey for manipulation, conspiracy or false propaganda.

If you have not suffered direct impact then maintain restraint and don’t rush yourself to serve justice on behalf of someone. Never take sides on someone’s personal life issues without knowing the complete truth.

If possible make peace else just stay away from other’s personal issues.

As a third person on any issue, use caution on your actionable response to any provocative issues. Also, ensure peace, kindness and humanity are part of any reaction. Any attack targeting a private citizen with no fair trial is mob violence and has no place in civilized society.

For example, When two persons are having issues with their marriage or some family issue, show compassion and maintain restraint until they can resolve themselves. Taking sides is just gonna create unnecessary drama and fuel their temporary life situation into wildfire, thus ruining life for both of them.

Justifying your harmful actions as supporting your friend/ gender/ tribe or social causes may give temporary feel good and thrill. But when the dust settles, the guilt of those harmful deeds will stay forever. Also, be aware that Karma will hit back when vulnerable.

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Peace, Joy, and prosperity for all!



Héms 😎

"Being Human". Omnist. Be ‘Happy’ and add more happiness to others. Translating thoughts into words.