“There’s no space for dealmakers just realmakers” says Christoph Kohler

As a part of our quest to champion purpose-driven entrepreneurs across the world here is the story of Christoph Kohler, the eighth of our Humans of Happy Startups Series.

Fiona Duffy
Humans of Happy Startups
4 min readMay 2, 2017


Christoph at the Happy Startup Summercamp 2016

The Happy Startup School first met Christoph when he joined us on a work exchange. During his time here, we got an insight into his immensely productive work ethic. Read on…

Christoph Kohler

Concept Developer at ZDF Digital
Based in Mainz, Germany

Hey Christoph! Great to have you here. Start by telling us more about you and the work you do

As a creative concept developer I try to develop engaging and immersive concepts spanning everything from TV to Web. I create TV-Concepts, Websites, Social Media campaigns. All my work is based on clear strategies, marketing objectives and is focused on user needs.

The client work gives me many opportunities to initiate my own projects or business solutions like products, apps or services. So that’s the other part of my work: I innovate based on client tasks.

I feel very privileged to work in such an environment, to have such great opportunities and solve ‘problems’ with ideas every day.

Can you talk us through a typical project as a concept developer? How is it you work through a brief?

There is no typical project. Almost nothing is repetitive. There are many different client tasks in my job. It usually starts with a client-brief, and a debrief from us. After this the project is divided in different parts: ideation and a concept draft, a fine concept with prototypes or pilots and then the production and within that the optimization.

My work needs a holistic approach. One needs to know about strategy, marketing, design for web, social and motion design. At the end it’s all about user needs and creating a great and entertaining user & viewer experience.

What environment suits you best for achieving “flow”?

Different tasks require different environment factors to get into the “flow”. For competency-based tasks I need good, uncomplicated and skilled people around me that keep challenging me to one-up the idea over and over. Also these people have to appreciate and respect each other and in general have good and positive chemistry. In such an environment I can create ideas and make stuff. There is no space for dealmakers just realmakers.

For my happiness flow I need music, space and time to think.

For entrepreneurs with ideas, they can put blockers in place that prevent them releasing things to the world. What tips do you have for entrepreneurs to speed up their output and “just ship it”? (this is something we’ve always admired in your ability to do since working with you at Happy Startups)

Wow, I have many blockers in my way of developing and starting my own business — and personal ideas. I try to stay focused with my personal Trello board. With a monthly meetup with my wife called Update we define together what’s really important for us.

My tip: Make it public, share your idea with everybody you meet. Your sketch book is not real — it just keeps you feeling comfortable with believing you have “that one big idea” in it, but nope that’s not true. Our ideas are built on our relationships — sometimes it’s better to think of the idea last!

Great advice :) Are there any core techniques you use personally to enhance your productivity?

Since my time at The Happy Startup School, I developed my own grid. I called it “The Heart, Money, Society Grid.”

It’s pretty simple:

Heart: These are things you love to do. Write them down and do it.

Money: Don’t think about the why, about the purpose and all the other meaningful things. Just (brain)write down all the ideas you could earn money with.

Society: Think about the “pain instead of purpose” thing. Write down the things coming to your mind when you close your eyes. Ask yourself where are your greatest pains in this environment and write them all down.

Action: Try to connect the dots. Start with the ones that easily connect or start all of them and see if they get traction with people around you.

That’s a great exercise to get to the core of the work you love doing. Thanks for sharing Christoph!

At The Happy Startup School we believe in shipping it before you’re ready. If you enjoyed this post, please click that little green heart and follow our Humans of Happy Startups publication :)

