humble thoughts from humble ventures — Issue #8

Harry Alford
humble words
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4 min readJun 24, 2020

humble is a venture development firm that drives innovation forward in partnership with startups, investors, and established organizations.

In this monthly newsletter, you’ll read humble updates and press in addition to our top stories on venture capital, innovation, diverse founders, and those building solutions for diverse audiences.

If you’re an enterprise in search of new business or delivery models, please reach out. If you’re a diverse founder with product/market fit, looking to scale — we would love to hear from you. If you’re trying to figure out your post-pandemic playbook, how to operate remote first, or how to replace your in-person engagement with other ways to connect, drop us a line.

Humble Updates

The Future of _______

At humble ventures, we subscribe to the adage attributed to famed sci-fi writer William Gibson, who said, “The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed.” We’re enamored with the future, which is why we’ve announced a series of online Pop-Ups.

How DTC Evolves During And Post-COVID-19

View this video recap and top takeaways from our Future Of DTC Pop-Up featuring panelists from hims & hers and Nike.

The Future Of Schooling

Amid COVID-19, schools adjusted to remote learning in the middle of the spring semester. Learn how humble designed and facilitated remote education for a high school.

Implicit Bias Emboldens Racism

humble’s Harry Alford has been presenting to college athletic programs about implicit bias and how it emboldens racism. Hear about his personal experiences with racism.


Will Tech Finally Stop Excluding People of Color?

The tech industry is a redoubt of “white guys doing business.” Will today’s historic protests finally lead to more inclusion? humble’s Ajit Verghese and Harry Alford share their insights with Techonomy.

5 ways to support black-owned businesses: ‘It’s not rocket science — people just choose not to do it’

“It just makes the most financial sense to not only make more diverse hires, but to also start tapping new consumer groups,” humble’s Harry Alford told MarketWatch.

Top FinTech Influencers

Empire Startups, the largest community of FinTech entrepreneurs, investors, and financial service professionals in the world, featured humble’s Harry Alford as a top FinTech influencer. “We believe that diverse entrepreneurs provide opportunities for disproportionate returns and represent the markets of the future,” Harry said. Gain more insights from Harry by clicking the link.

“Humble Wisdom” with Harry Alford

Join this episode of “VCs off The Record” as they sat down with humble’s Harry Alford chatting about his investment philosophy which focuses on innovation capabilities versus market strategy. He also shares his belief that consulting and programming generate deal flow which can lead to profit.

Top Stories

Get There, Then Rest

Our nation is in pain. We are in pain for George Floyd. We are in pain for his family. We are in pain for his community. But the protests are not just about the pain brought on by the murder of George Floyd.

Future of Work: Working from Home? (part 3)

A few weeks ago, BOND Capital and Mary Meeker published a coronavirus trend report. One section of the report included an informal survey of some of the companies in the BOND Capital network discussing the benefits and concerns of Working From Home (WFH).

Bitcoin Is Financial Freedom For Black America

Black Americans shouldn’t continue to feed a system that doesn’t have our interests at heart. Either we wait for the government to transform policies or we take the future into our own hands.

What We’re Tracking

We’re Entering the Age of Corporate Social Justice

There’s no such thing as neutral.

WPP Hires Consultant Executive to Lead Ogilvy

Andy Main, head of Deloitte Digital, will become the global chief executive of Ogilvy in July.

The 2% Solution: Inside Billionaire Robert Smith’s Bold Plan To Funnel Billions To America’s Black-Owned Businesses

The nation’s wealthiest Black investor says the best way to begin to reverse Corporate America’s history of structural racism is for big banks and large companies to spend the next ten years investing directly in banking, telecom, and technology, to the benefit of the Black community.

humble thoughts on the emergent and the established. Focus areas: innovation, digital transformation, health tech, fintech, consumer internet, food tech, IoT, and other assorted thoughts. We build businesses with our heads, hands, and our hearts.




Harry Alford
humble words

Transforming enterprises and platforms into portals to Web3