Welcome to ‘Hustle & Write’

A publication for busy writers

Mark Tey 🦊
Hustle & Write


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I’ve long wanted to create a publication, but I always told myself I didn’t have the time.

I finally got sick of using that excuse. It was about time I was no longer busy.

Of course, I am still busy. Nothing changed in that regard. What changed is my attitude.

Now, instead of accepting I’m busy, I’ll be busy with whatever matters. That doesn’t mean I’ll be living the life of a retired in Bali. Instead, I’ll better organize my time and prioritize it for the things that matter.

So I came up with ‘Hustle & Write.’

Hustle & Write

The idea is to have a place where everyone can be busy in their hustle and still find some time to write — while keeping motivated.

Hustle & Write is a community where all busy writers can have a voice.

I’m looking for short-form and would love to read all about your busy life and how you struggle to keep a balance. Or how you managed to overcome hardship.

But pretty much, I’m looking for anything you want to share, as long as it comes from the heart.

If you live ‘the busy life’ and want to be part of a community of other busy writers, this is the right place…



Mark Tey 🦊
Hustle & Write

Still learning to tame a writing compulsion that keeps me awake at night. She seems a bit wild for poetry but writes about anything that fits Her restless mood.