The Hydro Community Development Program — A New Home

Hydro Community
Hydro Community
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2018

It is still less than 12 months since foundation of the Hydrogen Technology Corporation and a crazy amount of work has been completed in that short time. Perhaps the biggest part of the project in terms of decentralisation was the creation of the Hydro Community Development Program (HCDP).

In the five months since the creation of the HCDP the community has been hard at work undertaking a huge number of HCDP tasks such as building the fantastic WordPress plugin, building Passport.js integration, creating a Snowflake Identicon Generator, carrying out whitepaper translations, and reviewing smart contracts.

Today marks another huge step for the community as we officially announce that Hydrogen are transferring full responsibility of the HCDP over to the Hydro Community.


The Hydro Community GitHub was originally created as a place for the community to discuss ideas, suggest potential HCDP tasks, and upload marketing and design materials, without cluttering the main Hydrogen GitHub. As the project has evolved the Hydro Community GitHub has not only been used by the community, but also by the core Hydro team. In fact it was there that Hydrogen CEO Mike Kane, first unveiled a potential sixth Phase of Hydro (Hail) which, thanks to the community, is now officially on the project roadmap.

The Community has been great in getting involved in discussion, carrying out tasks, and building upon the platform built by Hydrogen; and this is at the core of what the project is all about, decentralisation. However, to achieve full decentralisation, the Hydro project needs to not only survive, but thrive outside of the corporate entity that is Hydrogen. What better way could there be to realise this vision, than by putting the community in charge of the HCDP.

What does this mean for the project?

In simple terms, from now on the core Hydrogen GitHub will only host tasks that Hydrogen (the corporate entity) needs done in the future - e.g. integration help for Atom, mobile development, etc.

All future HCDP tasks will be hosted on the Hydrogen Community GitHub, with responsibility for the HCDP token allocation being controlled by the Decentralisation Ambassadors (DAs).

The first stage of the handover is now complete with the HCDP having been transferred to the Hydro Community GitHub. The second stage, the HCDP token allocation being transferred over to the DAs, is yet to be finalised.

How do we know that the ~1 billion HCDP token allocation is in safe hands?

The Hydrogen core team are currently working on a mechanism (smart contract) that will allow the DAs to have full control of token allocation. This is a still a work in progress and will be completed soon; however, the system will ensure that no single DA will ever be in charge of the wallet and that there will be daily limits on sending out tokens.

We will update the community as soon as the process is complete.

Who will curate the HCDP program?

The program is managed by the DAs, however, as this is a community project anyone can propose or complete a potential HCDP task.

Will there be any changes to the HCDP program?

The HCDP will remain open to all of the community. If you have the skills your application will be considered.

Thank you

This is a big day for the Hydro Community and wouldn’t be possible without community involvement. We hope to see as many people as possible getting involved in the future.

If you have any questions, as always we are available on Discord and Telegram.

