HYDRO Reissue Complete!

Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2018

For questions about why we conducted a reissue, please refer to our previous medium post. The reissue has now been completed, so we wanted to provide instructions on next steps for Hydro token holders.

What does this mean for me as a Hydro token holder?

Any wallet that previously held Hydro now holds two tokens, both called Hydro. To keep things simple, we’ll refer to these in this article as old Hydro and new Hydro. We strongly recommend that you burn old Hydro and have provided you with instructions on how to do so below:

How do I burn my old Hydro?

The old Hydro address starts with: 0x12FB…afBa.

In your wallet, you should be able to see the token address of each type of Hydro. To burn your old Hydro, send tokens with the contract address: 0x12FB…afBa to the following burner address:


You must send 1 less token than your current balance to burn your old Hydro successfully. That means that if you have 222,222 tokens (or 222,222*10**18 when accounting for decimals), you can only burn 222,222*10**18 - 1.

What happens with any projects I am currently working on that use the old Hydro?

Old Hydro will remain compatible with our APIs until 3/26/2018, after which it will lose compatibility, and new Hydro will be integrated. This is intended to give you time to adapt any projects in progress.

If you are not working on any projects with old Hydro, we recommend that you burn it by following the steps above, as it will no longer work with our APIs after 3/26/2018.

What if I mistakenly send new Hydro to the burner address?

If you mistakenly send new Hydro to the burner address, we will do our best to return it to you; however, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. Please follow the above instructions closely and ensure that you are sending the correct Hydro token with the old contract address.

We hope this helps, and please feel free to reach out on our telegram or discord with any further questions!

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The Global Financial Operating System. Creator of #Atom and #Molecule #APIs. Founding dev on open-source #blockchain #Hydro. Made in #NYC! www.hydrogenplatform.