Implementing blockchain in Quake 3 Arena iOS port

Valery Vaskabovich
2 min readJul 10, 2018


If you remember I recently jumped on a new cool open source project — Hyperloot — which connects blockchain and in-app/in-game assets. As a technical architect I’m currently busy with describing high-level architecture and we will definitely talk about it very soon. Meanwhile I have to do some preparation work and now it’s time to think about demo for the protocol.

The team was thinking about picking up any open-source game to demonstrate all power of Hyperloot and with all respect to John Carmack and id Software we decided to fork an iOS port of Quake 3. Awesome guys from iOS community did a great job on porting original Quake 3 back in 2009–2013. Since that time I haven’t found any updates on GitHub which means that it would be a bit challenging to run that code using modern iOS 11 SDK. Eventually I had to make some changes to project configuration and code to make it work, no original Quake 3 code has been modified. Our fork could be found here:

My code is not clean at the moment, will do cleanup work later during integration with Hyperloot. Controls are not working too, I think about implementing 2 sticks on the sides for movement/camera, tap for shooting, double tap for jumps, swipe for changing weapons.

If you have any questions/comments — feel free to reach out to me (Medium/GitHub). I will keep you posted.

P.S. To run the game you need the original pak0.pk3 and some other packs (could be found here: I put Files.txt in all directories (baseq3, demoq3, missionpack) that require game resources.

Hyperloot on the web:

