Self Care 101

Kaci Baum
4 min readFeb 22, 2018


I am writing this blog because it is the most important thing EVER to practice self care. Maybe, that’s my opinion or maybe it’s a fact. All I know is everyone should take time for themselves in this crazy world we live in.

Something I’ve read before that I love is that you should build a life that you don’t need to “escape” from.

WHAT?! You mean you can live your life, love it every day and remove “I NEED a vacation” from your vocabulary?

Yeah. Here’s how:


You’re thinking, “uh yeah duh. I do that every day that’s how I’m alive.” No, no no. I’m saying take 5–10 minutes every morning, evening, or if you are feeling stressed or anxious to focus on your breathing.

You may place your hands on your chest and belly as in belly breathing, or gently place your hands on your lap, either palms up to feel more energized, or palms down to feel more grounded. You may also choose to close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your breath. Inhale for a count of four seconds, notice the small pause between the inhale and exhale, and then exhale for a count of six. Again notice the pause as your body transitions between inhale and exhale, and then inhale for a count of four, and so on.


Call your BFF. Sometimes you just need to have a chat and discuss nothing or everything at the same time. Just a 5 minute conversation with someone I love can turn my whole day around. Plus, getting a surprise call from someone calling just to talk and they don’t need anything from you… Now that is refreshing.

Even better than a phone call, set a date to hang out! Girls night, boys night, whatever it is. Make it fun, relaxing, and easy. Maybe you invite your closest pal over to your house and drink a glass of wine while watching Friends. (That’s my favorite!) Let your mind escape for awhile.


Sweat it out! We know working out is good for you because you get stronger, stay fit, etc. BUT, what if you changed why you worked out.

Work out because it makes you HAPPY. When you work out, you brain releases Dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that’s necessary for feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Working out helps you feel less stressed, eases anxiety, assists in insomnia, and boosts your confidence. Look good, feel good!


Create an evening routine that relaxes you. Everyone is different on what relaxes them. Make your routine your own.

Bubble bath? Yes. Wine? One glass. Candles? Please. Social Media? Eh, no.

-Turn off the TV, the Cell phone, or other electronics. Blue light is not your friend when it comes to relaxing. (We have a blog for other helpful sleeping tips.) If you want to read to relax, grab a book.

-Practice meditation, breathing, or mindfulness. Calm down your racing mind. Another practice could be a bedtime yoga series.

-Have a light snack or a relaxing drink (chamomile tea is a great choice.)

-Diffuse lovely scents from essential oils. Lavender, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile to name a few.

-DreamEasy is a natural sleep aid that contains Lavender, Valerian Root, & Zea Mays Monocot Powder.


Valerian Root benefits include improving sleep quality, relieving anxiety, and mood enhancement.


Lavender benefits include calming & relaxation, soothing smell, improves sleep, alleviates headaches, and reduces stress.


Zea Mays Monocot Powder allows your body to balance the levels of serotonin so you can have a more restful sleep without the grogginess in the morning.

Are you feeling the love? Love yourself. Take care of yourself. YOU DESERVE IT.

It’s easy to practice self care. Find out what relaxes you, eases your mind, and makes you happy. It is that simple. I hope this helps your self care routine for every day life. #SelfCare

XO – Kaci



Kaci Baum

I’m an aspiring photographer, graphic designer, and a crazy puppy lady. I enjoy a few cups of coffee a day and watching Friends to my heart’s content.