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I am a developer
I am a developer
My focus have shifted throughout the years so while there are a few articles about Android programming most stuff now days will have a web components/ES6/SPA/Angular 2/Polymer sort of focus.
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Play Store Multiple APKs

Recently I needed to do an upgrade to an Android app I had released, Baby Feed, from version 1.0 to 1.1. When I uploaded the new APK to the Play Store I ran into problems:

The golden grid of Holo

While doing layouts for Android apps I noticed something Paul Burke said:

I’d argue that 8dp is really the golden grid. Most of the (Holo) padding/margins are 8, 16, 24, and 32. I guess it’s a matter of preference, but i use 8dp. :-)

Restoring Jira

I recently installed Atlassian Jira for a work related project. And it has now been running for a few weeks (without a glitch, I might add) so I took the time to configure and test the backup process.