Fasting from Medium X

A milestone, me the mask maker

I challenge you


Author’s note: This is the second of eleven parts. Begun on the first of March — that time of innocence — as a blog about my Lenten fast from Medium, it soon became a blog about…you guessed it. I thought it would be more interesting to run the tape backwards, so not only did I start with #11, but I am rearranging each one so that the most recent dated entry comes last. In this one that doesn’t matter. There is only one date.

Fasting from Medium XI


Ten issues of this little missive. Well I’ll be damned. When I’m back on Medium I’ll post all of them at once as a brief description followed by a series of links. [As you can see that is not what I am doing. -Q] Before I do that I should go back and copy edit them, but I am not sure I want to read what I wrote early on. I suspect I did not always come off so well.

I completed two face masks, which I consider a major accomplishment when you consider that I have to stitch by hand. My stitching is slow and uneven at best.

My stitching is slow and uneven at best. This and all images by the author.

As I mentioned in FfM VIIII [I will have to add a link once I publish FfM VIIII], I planned on starting one on April 3 two days ago, using instructions appearing in the New York Times, modified a bit to save stitching.



I challenge you

No woman ever murdered her husband while he was washing the dishes.