Snow/ice on a Branch on the Golden Circle in Iceland / Photo Credit: Andrew E. Mauney


Or how I learned to love blogging again.

Andrew E Mauney
I. M. H. O.
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2013


So I was thinking the other day about how it would be nice to be able to post on Medium. I read posts on here everday and then get pumped to write on my blog only to be held back by the fact that virtually 0 people come to my site and that I have longer ideas than I have time to do justice to in writing. Just excuses, I know, but still holding me back nonetheless.

So then a little email came along a few days ago. I got invited to contribute to Medium. I am both surprised and honored that I was able to share the same platform with people like Sacha Greif. I can only hope I don’t suck. Well, maybe less that and more I have something worth saying that hasn’t been rehashed over and over again.

I guess it is finally high-time that I started writing again. And thats fine. I have enough stuff in my Notational Velocity repo to keep my keyboard clicking.

Also, enjoy a photo I took while in Iceland.I have a bajillion more.



Andrew E Mauney
I. M. H. O.

Former developer at Rocket Code/BVAccel. Part-time recovering video game reviewer. Part-time board gamer. Curator at