More Quotes About Poetry

The words of emotion etched in our hearts

Kiki Wellington
I quote, therefore I am.


Photo by minervastock on DepositPhotos

Roses are red, violets are…well, you get the point. Poetry can make us laugh, make us think, make us connect with our deepest and darkest feelings. These quotes are about poetry and all that it invokes in us.

1. “Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.”

2. “A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape of the universe, helps to extend everyone’s knowledge of himself and the world around him.”
-Dylan Thomas

3. “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”
-Robert Frost

4. “Poetry is ordinary language raised to the Nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words.”
-Paul Engle

5. “Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.”
-Cassandra Clare

6. “There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either.”
-Robert Graves

