Go to I Write Romance
I Write Romance
This is a place for romance writers & happily-ever-after loyalists.
Note from the editor

This is a place for writers of romance to share, grow, support and champion each other. Let’s talk about love, relationships and human connections. A little laughter never hurt, either. Have experiences about your foray into romance writing you’d care to share, this is the place. Interesting think pieces about relationships, dating and marriage? We’ll take those, too. This is not the place to post fiction stories — there are other sites for that. No x-rated posts, please. We respectfully decline articles about how romance novels are ruining the world or articles from romance-hating writers trying to ‘splain to us why romance novels are destroying real relationships. Romance writers are real people in real relationships and we still believe in happily-ever-after.

Go to the profile of Ava Bleu
Ava Bleu
Author of contemporary & edgy, inspirational romance
Go to the profile of walkerjo lee
walkerjo lee
i write. stuff.
Go to the profile of Pam Grimes
Pam Grimes
Writer living in Portland, Oregon. And, yes, it’s weird here. (A Medium Top Writer in Humor, Fiction and Short Story.) www.pamgrimes.com