Go to AIGC GPclimate
AIGC GPclimate
(IAGC) International Alliance of Grandparents for the Climate, (AIGC) Alliance Internationale des Grands-parents pour le Climat.
Note from the editor

International Alliance of Grandparents for the Climate, (AIGC) Alliance Internationale des Grands-parents pour le Climat. (infos-aigc@googlegroups.com)

Go to the profile of Pascal Kotté
Pascal Kotté
Réducteur de fractures numériques, éthicien digital, Suisse romande.
Go to the profile of AIGC
The International Alliance of Grandparents for the Climate (AIGC) in defense the world’s children and grandchildren all nations, to a sustainable future.
Go to the profile of ddesponds
Go to the profile of Grands-Parents pour le CLIMAT