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IAM Journal
IAM Journal
Imagining and cultivating the randomness of internet cultures
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Weekend Picks: Cecilia Tham

A very warm welcome to IAM Weekend 17 speaker Cecilia Tham!👋

Weekend Picks: Eliza Anyangwe

As founder of The Nzinga Effect as well as being a writer and editor (including, previously, at The

Weekend Picks: Nathan Jurgenson

Meet IAM Weekend 17 speaker nathanjurgenson! A social media theorist, Nathan’s work stretches far and…

How to convince your boss (or yourself) that you should attend IAM Weekend 17

Follow this 8-step guide to know what to do before you speak to your boss, what to say during the conversation, and how you…

The Futures of Media

In this series on From Complexity to Emergence, we’re recapping the IAM Weekend 16 and bringing you everything we learned