How To Participate in the IAMX ISPO

IAMX - Own Your Identity
IAMX Own Your Identity
7 min readJun 28, 2022
Set Your Identity Free — Join The IAMX ISPO!

ISPOs have become a popular way to allow people to take part in a token launch outside of participating in private sales before a token is readily available on CEXes or DEXes. The IAMX ISPO is one of the largest ISPOs currently running on the Cardano Blockchain but we still have plenty of room for more people to join us.

So what do you need to do to take part in our ISPO?

  1. Purchase Ada or use any existing ADA you own
  2. Delegate Ada to the IAMX ISPO
  3. Earn IAMX tokens every epoch (5 days)
  4. Claim your tokens from our delegation centre when it suits you
  5. Undelegate Ada when you want to leave the ISPO

🤷‍♀️ Why Participate in an ISPO?

The ISPO as a token launch first came about a year ago when MELD launched the world’s first ISPO and since then it has become a popular way for Cardano based projects to offer the wider crypto community a nice entry into their token. What we love about the ISPO model is that all participants get to keep the Ada that they stake securely, whilst earning IAMX tokens and allowing for an expansion of their crypto portfolio.

Read about the IAMX ISPO Rewards & Bonuses 👉 HERE

We have written this article for everyone who is interested in participating in our ISPO to earn IAMX tokens, including those not yet familiar with Cardano and its staking mechanism.

🧐 What is Cardano?

Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods.

🤝 Why does Cardano require Ada to be staked or delegated to nodes?

Ada held on the Cardano network represents a stake in the network, with the size of the stake proportional to the amount of Ada held. The ability to delegate or pledge a stake is fundamental to how Cardano works.

The amount of stake delegated to a given stake pool is the primary way the Cardano protocol chooses who should add the next block to the blockchain, and receive a monetary reward for doing so.

The more stake is delegated to a stake pool (up to a certain point), the more likely it is to make the next block — and the rewards that it earns are shared between everyone who delegated their stake to that stake pool.

Staking is completely safe, as your ADA doesn‘t leave your wallet.

After the first deposit it will take 4 Epochs = 20 Days until you receive your first rewards.

🎁 Benefits of staking Ada to the IAMX ISPO

  • Staking Ada to the IAMX ISPO generates IAMX tokens as rewards every epoch.
  • From 1st of July to the 31st of December we doubled the base rewards!
  • In addition we have 5 tiers of bonuses allowing you to earn more IAMX tokens faster the longer you stay. Read more about our rewards & bonuses HERE.
Rewards & Bonuses before 1st of July 2022
ISPO Rewards & Bonuses from 1st of July to 31st of December 2022. Update: as an IAMX ISPO Christmas present we have decided to extend the double rewards for existing and new delegators until the 31st of January 2023

IAMX keeps the Ada rewards from those delegating to the IAMX Cardano node and in return offers its IAMX token as the participant’s reward.

The participation supports and generates revenues for the the development of IAMX, but at the same time allow the participating members of the Community to keep their staked Ada.

🤓 How to stake Ada to the IAMX ISPO?

👛 Cardano Wallets

Delegation to Cardano nodes is supported by wallets such as Eternl, Daedalus & Yoroi. Below we have given a step-by-step guide on how to delegate using each of these wallets:

1. Eternl — A Cardano light wallet that’s very user friendly and who is a partner of IAMX.

2. Daedalus — a full-node wallet developed by IOHK

3. Yoroi — a browser-based wallet developed by EMURGO.

Using Eternl — A Cardano light wallet

  1. Go too Eternl’s website
  2. Click on “Add Wallet”

3. Click on “Create wallet”

4. Continue through account setup, write down your recovery phrase, and complete the creation of your wallet. After your account is set up, you can access the dashboard.

5. Click on “Staking”

6. Search for IAMX and then click DELEGATE

!!Please note that the Pool to delegate to is the one with the ticker: IAMX, we have reserved the tickers IAMX1, IAMX2 & IAMX3 for future needs!!

Using Daedalus — A full-node wallet

  1. Head over to Daedalus website
  2. 2. Click on “Download”

3. Choose your operating system

4. Install Daedalus and finish installation

5. Click on “Create”

6. Continue through account setup, write down your recovery phrase, and complete the creation of your wallet. After your account is set up, you can access the dashboard.

7. Click on “Staking”

8. Click on “Stake pools”

9. Search for IAMX and then click DELEGATE

!!Please note that the Pool to delegate to is the one with the ticker: IAMX, we have reserved the tickers IAMX1, IAMX2 & IAMX3 for future needs!!

Using Yoroi — browser-based wallet

1. Download Yoroi from the Yoroi website — HERE

2. Click the extension to open up the account creation page.

3. Continue through steps and then choose “Create wallet”

4. Choose “Cardano”

5. Continue through the account setup, write down your recovery phrase, and complete the creation of your wallet. After your account is set up, you can access the dashboard.

6. Once Ada is purchased on some external exchange, you can send that Ada to the Yoroi wallet from the “Receive” tab

7. Now that you have Ada in your wallet, you can click the “Delegation List” to find the IAMX ISPO

8. Search for IAMX and then click DELEGATE

!!Please note that the Pool to delegate to is the one with the ticker: IAMX, we have reserved the tickers IAMX1 & IAMX2 for future needs!!

We hope you’re interested in joining our ISPO and if you have any more questions in regards to participating, please send us a message via email to or via our Twitter, Discord or Telegram Group

About IAMX

IAMX is a token-based self-sovereign identity (SSI) and authentication system, enabling 1Click-Fulfillment transactions that are legally binding on a nation state level.

IAMX provides the first-ever SSI solution to financially incentivize and reward the consumer each time they use their identity online. With IAMX individuals can seamlessly and effortlessly move across all websites, web services, and mobile apps that require account creation, logins, or authentication without tedious and time-consuming form-filling. This identity service is provided free to all consumers through biometric identity and pre-authenticated verifiable credential set containers trusted by the verifier, owned and controlled by the holder.

The long-term goal of IAMX is to enable more than 1,4 billion individuals — who have no state-recognized identity — to create and own their identity in order to be able to access e-commerce and financial services so as to lift themselves out of poverty.





IAMX - Own Your Identity
IAMX Own Your Identity

IAMX is the first-ever SSI solution to financially incentivize and reward the consumer each time they use their identity online.