Go to IBM Cloud Pak Tips and Good practices
IBM Cloud Pak Tips and Good practices
In this publication customer success mangers from ASEAN, share knowledge and good practices that they have learned from working with customers on all of IBM Cloud Paks including Integration, AIOps, Business Automation, Security and Data
Note from the editor

In this publication customer success mangers from ASEAN, share knowledge and good practices that they have learned from working with customers on all of IBM Cloud Paks including Integration, AIOps, Business Automation, Security and Data

Go to the profile of leonard blunt
leonard blunt
Leonard works for IBM Customer Success Management ASEAN, with over twenty years of experience in implementing business systems.
Go to the profile of Michelle Shwe
Michelle Shwe
Customer Success Manager at IBM with a passion for change management and the people side of tech rollouts
Go to the profile of Santhoshi Gopalakrishnan
Go to the profile of Chan
Go to the profile of Umaporn Juealaong
Umaporn Juealaong
Customer Success Manager at IBM. Always eager to learn, share and expand knowledge. I’m a coffee lover and also love to traveling.
Go to the profile of Jayden Aung
Jayden Aung
A Cloud Security & DevSecOps Architect. Loves travelling, music & iPhotography
Go to the profile of Michelle Shwe
Michelle Shwe
Customer Success Manager at IBM with a passion for change management and the people side of tech rollouts
Go to the profile of Santhoshi Gopalakrishnan
Go to the profile of Chan
Go to the profile of Umaporn Juealaong
Umaporn Juealaong
Customer Success Manager at IBM. Always eager to learn, share and expand knowledge. I’m a coffee lover and also love to traveling.
Go to the profile of Jayden Aung
Jayden Aung
A Cloud Security & DevSecOps Architect. Loves travelling, music & iPhotography